Chapter 3 - The sad days (Short Chapter)

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That night, 9pm

Joe's PROV

'I think I need to go, Joe' Dianne says to me, we have just finished watching E.T.

I smiles and say 'Yeah, it's getting late. I'll walk you home, shall I?' I politely ask. She smiles but I can tell she is hiding something.

'I'm okay thank you, I'll be fine.' She replies, I frown and she just shrugs and smiles. She starts to gaver up all her things (bin bags with the clothes in, school bag, dance bag and coat).

'What are you trying to hide?' I ask, putting a hand on her shoulder then she turns around and gives me a tight hug. Almost like she is trying really hard not to cry.

'Nothing. Joe, I wouldn't hide anything from you. I just don't want you to have to walk all that way in the dark then back.' She says in a whimper, I hug her back but I am still worried, she better be safe I think to myself.

'Okay, fine then. But at least let me walk you half way? Please?' I say pleading as she lifts her head up then shuffles out of the hug. She smiles at me.

'Joe, you've done too much already. Please, I'll be fine,'She says, picks up her things and gives me a quick peck on the cheek, I smile. 'boyfriend.' She adds and shuffles my hair. I think I better just leave her to it, no matter how worried I am. She is her own person and the least I want to be is be a clingy boyfriend.

'Okay then. Stay safe.' I say, she smiles at me and flexes her arms.

'I'm sure I can handle half a mile walk , Joe.' She says as we walk down stairs. I wave her off and close the door again.

'Why aren't you taking her home?' A voice from behind scaring me says. 

'Ah!' I say jumping then relaxing, it's only Zoe. 'Gosh, don't do that! Are you staying the night?' I ask in shock.

'Yeah, mum thought it'd be best. I thought your lovely girlfriend would be too.' She says punching me lightly on my arm. I frown and look embarrassed.

'It's our first date Zoe, I don't think she would want that on the FIRST DATE.'I reply, then head over to the counter to make a hot chocolate. Zoe frowns at me

'Not making me one?' She asks sadly. I laugh at her sad face then get out another mug.

'Fine, but you owe me.' I say looking back to the hot chocolate, she rolls her eyes. And goes to stand next to me.

'By doing what?' She asks confused, I look worried.

'Umm... Dianne didn't want me to take her home.' I say worriedly, Zoe looks at me to see if I'm serious and I nod to reassure her and she bursts out laughing.

'That's the favour?! Seriously Joe, there are more things to worry about than Dianne not wanting you to take her home!' She snorts, I suddenly get really sad. She doesn't know hoe serious I am about this, I'm actually quite worried.

'Zoe. I'm serious, and when she went to hug me it was like she was trying not to cry.' I say, then I put my head in my hands then the microwave starts to beep, Zoe go and gets the milk out and mixes the hot chocolate powder in. She puts her hand on my shoulder and gives me a hug.

'I'm sorry Joe. Did she really seem that upset?' She asks sympathetically, I nod head still in my hands. 

'To me she did' I say, lifting my head up and taking the hot chocolate off the counter. 'I'm no good at being a boyfriend! What do I do? What?!' I say, tears rolling down my face, I take a sip of my hot chocolate and put it down on the counter. Zoe gives me a great big bear hug.

'It's okay, shhh shhh. Mum's in bed.' She says, that makes me laugh

'At this time, its only blooming half nine.' I sniffle, still hugging Zoe.

'I know right' She says laughing, Then gets out of the hug. 'Seriously, you have nothing to worry about, it's your first girlfriend in a long time. I think this one could work out. And she might just be tired or just want a quiet walk home, or perhaps wants to see her dad?It will be just fine, try not to worry so much but still show to her  you care.' Zoe  says reassuring me and then I start to calm down, maybe Zoe's right. Maybe it was nothing, I'm probably just tired.

'I need to go to bed, I'm tired. Thanks Zo.' I say giving her a last hug and talking my hot chocolate upstairs. I get into bed and do a drawing, of the best thing I know. Dianne.

End of chapter 3

Sorry it's very short, I just wanted to post something to stay consistant.

827 words 

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