Chapter 6 - What do'y say then?!

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Joe's POV

I wake up and my eyes are all blurry, I rub them with my hands then blink. Ahhh, that's better I think to myself and put my hands down again, I wince a little bit in pain but it isn't that bad. I look to my left and underneath my arm(pit) all I can see is a huge blob of red hair. 

I laugh to myself, she looks so funny. I swear to God I am falling for her even more, and I haven't even met her dad yet! Jeez, that would be terrifying. Pheww, at least that won't be happening for at least a month! Preperation people!

'JOSEPH!' I hear from my left with a blow of wind, it makes me jump and Dianne jumps and wakes up, she looked at me confused then sees the old nurse standing right in front of us. She has taken away all the curtains and all the other patients are starting at us. Dianne widens her eyes at the same time as the lady, I freeze, not knowing what to do. 'What in the name of Jesus himself are YOU and a GIRL doing in the same bed?!!' She screams again, this time Dianne hides her head in my shoulder and I can feel her crying and sniffing. 

I place my right hand on her back and start to rub it and comfort her, I am apsalutely fuming 'What is wrong with you? Look what you've done! I told DIANNE, my girlfriend. To sleep in my bed with ME because she couldn't sleep.' I say and give the nurse a horrible death stare. She got the point in the end, closed the curtains but stayed in with me and Dianne.

'I'm so sorry sweetheart, shhhh...Are you okay?' The nurse says to Dianne and strokes her hair, Dianne looks up

She sniffles then answers and asks 'Yes, who are you?', Dianne asks the nurse, I look over the the nurse and my face rests from being all angry 'I'm Nurse Buswell, but call me Shiela.' The nurse says, oh cool they have the same last name. 'I'm Joe's nurse while he is in hospital.' She answers

'Ha, that's cool you both have the same last name.' I say smiling, I sit up and Dianne does after. She then tries to shuffle out but I tug on her sleeve, she looks at me. Oh,I feel so bad, she looks so unhappy. 'You okay Di?' I say and she nods then snuggles back into me. 'Can you go please?' I say to Nurse Shiela.

'Okay, but you guys might want to eat something soon because the cafe is going to change to the lunch menu soon.' Shiela says and I nod as she walks away, I soon realise I am very hungry.

'Dianne?' I say to her and she looks up and gives me a side smile an I smile at her. 'Are you hungry?' I ask and she nods

'Yeah quite a bit.' She says and sits up properly and heads to the chair to sit down.

'Same, maybe you could go to the cafe and get us something to eat?' I ask and she smiles.

'Yeah sure, I need to stretch my legs. I'll ask your mum from the desk to ring the school on the way.' She says and comes over to me and kisses my cheek, 'Bye Hun' she says walking away. Awe she's perfect, I think to myself.

'Bye Di' I say to her as she walks away and I go to get my phone out of my pocket, but it's not there. Shit. I think to myself, I left it at the house. I reach for the curtain and pul it from around my cubicle. I look around, there are so many sick people. Seems like I am nowhere near as hurt as some of these people, they are all around me and Dianne's age up to like 25. I see a nurse come in and go to a boy around my age, he has a huge cut across the left side of his face, it looks like he's had a stroke because when he talked to the nurse the left side of his face didn't move one bit and his eye stayed shut. 

After she tends to him with a cup of tea and starts to walk away I call for her. 'Excuse me,' I say and she turns around and smiles then walks over. 

'You alright cupcake?' She asks me and smiles then puts one hand on her hip.

'Yes I'm fine, do you think you would be able to get  contact with my mum and ask her if she can come and bring me my phone, I left it at home.' I say and ask hopefully

She smiles 'Sure will, can I just ask your name?' She asks

'Joe Sugg' I say and she gives me a thumbs up and walks away, I look around for anything to do. Then I see my scetch book and my table beside my bed, I take it and grab the pencil beside it. What should I draw? Wait, I know. I start to draw a picture of me and Dianne dancing, It actually looks okay, I think to myself after about 15 minutes when I've finished it.

I wonder where Dianne has got up to? Hope she found the cafe. I smile at the drawing and start to put it away.

As I'm putting it in my draw I hear Dianne say 'I love you.' I smile then look up.

'I lo-' I start to say then look around, no ones there. I scrunch my forehead confused, what happened. I could've sworn I heard Dianne's voice.

'Boo!' I hear from the other side of me and someone touching my elbow quickly, making me jump. I spin around to see Dianne, I laugh. 

'Jeez, you scared me!' I say to her laughing, she laughs 'I love you to.' I say then lean in to kiss her and do, when I pull away I see her smiling and holding up two cardboard boxes.

'Grubs up!' She says laughing, 'Full English! I've never had one before, the waitress said they were good?' She says then looks at me for reassurance. I look at her shocked.

'Yuck! What do you mean good!? They're disgusting!' I say then pretend to be sick, she looks at me sadly and I laugh.

'Sorry...' She says and I reach out for her hand and squeeze it.

'I'm joking! They're amazing, you'll love it!' I say laughing and she shoves me and laughs then hands me a box and sits on the end on the bed and starts eating.

'Mm Mm Mm! Why can't you have these back in Australia!? And why does hospital food taste soooo much better than my dads?!' She says excited, I laugh at her as I'm eating my bacon. 

25 minutes after eating and talking

Dianne's PROV

Me and Joe continue to talk, I'm so happy to talk with him happily and as his girlfriend... I need to ask him about seeing my dad though, I think he needs to. Ohhhh, but I don't know how to! Maybe I'll just let it slide? Yeah. Oh! But I want them to meet! Oh brain! What do you say!?

'Joe!' I suddenly say out of nowhere, Joe jumps up from his bed and I hear a crack and rush a bit to him 'Are you okay!?' I say panicked and he laughs

'Fine, what do ya need?' He asks, laughing and settles down. Oh no, what should I say? What do I say? Oh no. 'Are you okay, you don't look very well?' Joe asks putting his hand to my forehead.

'I'm fine, I was just wondering...' I ask nervously and he nods and moves his hands in circles to say go on 'Do you want to meet my dad?' I ask shakily, Joe's eyes widen and he goes a bit pale.

'Come on what do ya say?' I ask him frantically, he scratches the back of his head.

'We'll what do you mean by want?' He says confused, still scratching his head. I roll my eyes at him, obviously he doesn't want to.

'Okay! Fine then, I say I'll meet your dad! You've met my mum.' He says smiling, I am so happy I hug him so tightly.

'Thank you so much!!!' I say excitingly and he just laughs

Words :1412

Sorry this took so long, hope you like it! 💕 

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