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Bayley walked into her apartment, setting her keys down on the table. The further she walked into the apartment, she saw Sasha holding a garment bag.

"Your maid of honor dress came today. Bay, you're going to regret not going to this wedding," Sasha said unzipping the bag. "Also, me being me, I already looked at the dress."

Bayley rolled her eyes at her roommate, but eventually chuckled and took the garment bag away from her. "Thanks."

Sasha nodded and watched Bayley open the bag like a little kid on Christmas. Bayley opened the bag to reveal a long red dress, with lace up top and some sparkles.

"Wow, this is a really pretty dress," Bayley stated as she rubbed the fabric between her fingers.

"I know! Becky knows you so well! Mine came too, it's similar to yours, but just green. You know, Becky's really sticking to her Christmas theme."

Bayley nodded and hung the dress back in the bag and then placed it in her closet.

She walked back out from her bedroom to see Sasha sitting on the couch, a glass of wine in her hand, watching the WWE Network.

That was another thing Bayley loved about her roommate. Sasha loved wrestling just as much as she did. She still remembered the first day they met, Bayley had been sporting her Macho Man Randy Savage shirt and Sasha told her it was sick.

"What are you thinking about?" Sasha asked from the couch, pausing her match on the TV.

"Just how we met, and how thankful I am for you in my life."

Sasha put her wine down and practically jumped on Bayley with a hug. "Aww, Bay, that's so sweet! I am so thankful for you too, you make living in the city a lot better."

Bayley just laughed as her friend resumed her match on the network.

"Have you ever thought about being in WWE?" Sasha asked as Bayley returned with the bottle of wine.

"Yeah, when I was out in San Jose I trained and everything, really thinking it was going to work out for me."

"I always thought about it too, you know it would just be so awesome to hold the women's championship above my head and say that I did it."

Bayley nodded and continued to watch the PPV with her roommate. The rehearsal dinner was tomorrow, leaving Bayley not too excited. She wanted this wedding to end because she really did hate weddings.

"So, Bay, any guys in your life?" Sasha asked as she turned off the TV.

"No, why would you think that?"

"No reason, I just want to know when you're going to start dating again."

Bayley rolled her eyes and proceeded to get up to go to the kitchen. Bayley put the wine back in the fridge and cleaned up the glasses her and Sasha used.

"You can't ignore my question forever, Bay. You'll have to answer at some point," Sasha said, leaning her elbows on the counter.

"Fine, I'll answer it now. Never."

Now it was Sasha's turn to roll her eyes. "Bullshit. Some guy out there has to meet your standards."

"Well I thought Aaron did and look how that worked out."

There was a deep silence that entered over the room and Sasha regretted pushing her friend that far. She just wanted to see Bayley happy, and she thought maybe being in a relationship would help that.

"I'm sorry," Sasha apologized through the silence.

"It's fine, you're right, you know."

Sasha let out a small laugh and eventually Bayley laughed along with her. Bayley knew she should try dating again. She knew that one experience shouldn't define her dating life.

But that one mistake that Aaron made affected her dating life forever. Bayley wanted to trust men again, but after what happened to her, she just couldn't.

"Alright, well let's get you ready for this rehearsal dinner," Sasha exclaimed as she drug Bayley back to her bedroom.

"Sash, the dinner is tomorrow."

"I know, but this gives me a chance to play with makeup. Come on, we all know you're not going to do your own."

Bayley rolled her eyes and let Sasha practice her makeup look for the wedding. Bayley needed to get excited for this wedding.

Hello lovelies! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and trust me, Bayley and Finn will meet soon!
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