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Finn offered his apartment to Bayley for the evening since Sasha was busy at her place of living.

"Finn, I don't know. I feel like I'm overstepping-" he cut her off.


She smiled at him and he gave her a hug. "You are always welcome here, I hope you know that."

She nodded her head against him and then sat down on the couch. Bayley was happy that Finn had offered her a stay here. She watched as he turned the light off in the kitchen.

He walked over to the couch and sat down next to her. "Is there anything in particular you want to watch?"

She looked at him. "Wrestling."

He looked at the woman next to him. He couldn't believe that out of all the things to watch, wrestling was what she wanted to watch.

When Finn had dated other girls in the past, they always wanted to watch the cooking channel, or the home channel, or worst of all, trashy reality tv.

"Finn, are you okay? You're giving me a weird look."

He snapped out of it. "Oh my god, no. I'm just surprised. In the past, all my girlfriends have never wanted to watch wrestling."

She sat up. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Nope, it's a perfect thing."

She smiled and then sank back down in the couch. Finn grabbed his remote and clicked it on to the WWE Network. He then gave the remote to Bayley.

"What's this for?"

"You can pick what we watch."

She smiled and went straight for the pay-per view section of the network. He watched her as she chose WrestleMania 8, clicking the watch from beginning button. She set the remote down on the coffee table in front of them.

"Why this show? Is there a specific reason?" He asked her as she moved closer to him.

"Randy Savage is my favorite wrestler, for one. Second, he goes against Ric Flair at this Mania."

Finn nodded, knowing he'd retain the information the woman told him. He remembered mostly everything, but when Bayley said something, it meant so much more to him.

He was in love with her.

However, he had high doubts that she felt the same way. It was crazy how their best friends' wedding had brought them together. She was one who didn't want to get in another relationship, and she had every reason to not want to. He was the one who was ready to take a chance with this woman.

Finn noticed after a while Bayley had fallen asleep on his chest, her arm draped over him. He smiled to himself, and positioned himself down to lay on the couch.

He was enjoying this too much, he clicked the TV off, however, leaving the lamp beside the table on. He played with her hair as he started to doze off to sleep.


Finn woke up to sun peeking through his window. The sun glistening off the workout equipment scattered through the room.

He saw Bayley still asleep on his chest and he smiled to himself. Bayley was a one of a kind woman, and he was falling in love with her.

He felt her stir awake and look up at him. He caught her gaze and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Thank you," she said as she looked up at him.

Finn furrowed his brow. "For what?"

"For letting me stay here last night. I really didn't want to go home after what Sasha did to me. It's not like she lied, but she did, and I just-"

"I said it last night and I'll say it again, you are always welcome here."

She smiled and looked at him. She grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him. Finn kissed her back, putting his hand on her back.

Finn and her continued to kiss her before his phone rang. Finn groaned in between the kiss as he grabbed the phone.


Bayley watched him talk to who she assumed was a client on the other end of the phone. She watched his facial expressions change as he talked, making her intrigued.

"Who was that?" She asked as he started to get up.

"A client. They can't make their two p.m. appointment today, so they asked to move it earlier," Finn told her as she sat up on the couch.

Bayley nodded her head and then watched him grab his keys off the table. Before he left, he came back to Bayley.

"I'm heading out, but you are more than welcome to stay here. There's food and drinks in the fridge, along with plates in the cabinets."

"Wait, you want me to stay here? Won't it be weird?" Bayed asked.

"Nope, not if you're my girlfriend."

Bayley stood there frozen and Finn looked at her. He kissed her one more time before heading out the door.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend," Bayley called after him as he turned around to smile at her.


Ahhh hello guys!!! I hope you guys enjoyed!! Don't remember to vote and comment!!!

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