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Bayley arrived at the venue where the wedding was being held. Today was the day. Today was the day Becky was getting married. And just the thought of that excited Bayley.

"I'm so excited! This is going to be so fun," Sasha announced to the group as she added some touches to her makeup.

"Guys, this is a huge day for me and I just want to thank you all for being here," Becky said as she looked at us.

We all hugged her, the waterworks forming in our eyes. This was such an exciting day for Becky, and the positive energy was just absorbing everyone in the room.

"Ladies, twenty minutes," Finn came up and told us.

Before he left, Bayley rushed to the door to talk to him. She wanted to talk to him before the wedding started.

"Finn?" Bayley walked over to him.


"I just wanted to say that you look very handsome in that suit you're wearing."

He looked at the woman in front of her. He couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. "Thanks. You look beautiful."

Bayley smiled at the Irish man in front of her. This was the main reason she was excited for the wedding. She wanted to see Finn again. Sasha may have been right, she needed to put herself out there again.

Finn Bálor may have just been the person who made her do that.

"Thanks. Are you ready for the wedding?" She asked as they walked down the stairs.

"Yep, how about you?"

Bayley looked at him. They had to enter the ceremony before anyone else. The bridesmaids and best men would follow them. She linked her arm through Finn's. "I've never been more ready."

He smiled and she saw how happy he looked. The two walked down the aisle, Bayley holding her bouquet of flowers as Finn released her to her side of the altar.

The rest of the wedding part filed in, all in order. Everyone rose when the bridal march played. Becky walked down the aisle with her dad, looking gorgeous. Bayley felt herself smiling as she looked at one of her best friends.

The ceremony was beautiful, as seeing people commit to spending their lives together always was. However, Bayley was ready for the reception.


"I've never been more excited to take a dress off in my entire life," Bayley complained as they walked to the reception.

Finn offered to walk with Bayley, and she of course said yes. Bayley wanted to get to know Finn better, and she thought this would be a good way to do just that.

"I know, suits aren't for me," Finn agreed as they walked the streets of Manhattan.

The reception was being held where the rehearsal dinner was. Finn and Bayley discusses random topics of interest, such as wrestling, jobs, and of course the wedding.

"I didn't know you were a secretary," Finn said as they arrived at their destination.

"Yeah, sometimes I hate it. When did you get into fitness?"

Finn shrugged his shoulders as they walked through the doors. They took their seats and continued their conversation.

"Uh, I've always been into it I guess. That's actually how I met Sami."

Bayley nodded, signaling for him to continue. "Well, I was doing an intense workout and pulled a muscle. So, I headed to physical therapy, and Sami was my physical therapist."

Bayley nodded and let a smile form on her lips. "That's really cool. Not that you had an injury, but that you two have stayed friends."

Finn nodded and then the reception was starting. He put his arm around Bayley, hoping she would just think of it as natural human behavior.

Bayley caught onto his actions, however. She took her hand and reached up and intertwined their fingers. She leaned her head on his shoulder as they watched Sami and Becky share their first dance as husband and wife.

Bayley smiled to herself. This was a good night so far. She was getting closer with Finn and her best friend had just gotten married.

Bayley was now happy that Becky had asked her to be her maid d honor at this wedding.

Hey everyone!! They are getting closer and flirting!! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!

My Best Friend's Wedding [Bayley x Finn Bálor]Where stories live. Discover now