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The next couple months were nothing but pure bliss and pleasure for both Finn and Bayley. They'd both go to work, but the minute they were home, they'd be in each other's arms. Finn loved everything about her. He could tell her that countless number of times and never get tired of seeing her smile.

When he imagined what it would be like to be in love, this was exactly what he had in mind. He found a girl who was in love with wrestling, didn't care he was a health guru, and loved breakfast over any other meal of the day.

Finn wanted to make Bayley his forever. That's why, tonight, he was going to ask her to marry him.

He and Sami had gone ring shopping about a week ago. He knew he wanted a diamond on her left ring finger, as did any man proposing. As soon as Finn saw the ring, he knew he had to have it.

All Finn wanted to do was make sure he got her the perfect ring.

Bayley was working today from nine in the morning until five that evening. That gave Finn had almost a whole day to plan for his night. He first made a reservation at the restaurant Le Bernardin, a seafood and French place. He made the reservation for six o'clock.

Next, he decided on what outfit he would wear. He went through his whole closet at leave three times before deciding on a white dress shirt with a pale green tie. He paired it with black dress pants and shoes.

He had sent her a text after he'd made the reservation and told her when she came home, to wear something nice. She replied back and now all he had to was wait.


When Bayley stepped through the door of her and Finn's apartment, he was nowhere to be found. She slipped her shoes off and went into the bedroom. She changed out of her work clothes and into a knee-length navy blue dress and black heels. She was actually going to wear heels for once. She ran her fingers through her dark brown hair, and touched up her makeup.

She stepped out of the bedroom and saw Finn sitting on the couch. He had his phone in his hand, his fingers flying across the screen. She wasn't sure who he was texting, but she also didn't really care at the moment.

"Hey," she said softly, not wanting to scare him.

He turned around to look at her. She was definitely a sight to see, and it was a sight he didn't mind seeing. Her brown hair was down to her shoulders, and it was straight. She was wearing a navy blue dress with a diamond necklace. She was wearing heels, which he had only seen her wear once. He stood up and walked over to her.


She leaned up to kiss him. He kissed her back and she loved it. He grabbed her hand and started to lead her out the door. He didn't tell her where he had made reservations, as that was the fun of it all.

He clutched his pocket to make sure the ring box was still in there, and it was. He signaled for a cab, not wanting her to walk there in the heels. And because he wanted tonight to be walk-free.

His hand clutched her thigh the whole way there. He usually only did that when he was nervous, but she was too busy staring out the window to notice.

The two arrived at the restaurant hand in hand. Finn told the hostess he had made a reservation and she led them to their table. She handed both of them menus and then dismissed herself.

Bayley took in the sights around her. The lights were dimmed to a perfect setting, the tables were slick and wooden, but most importantly, she could see the man sitting straight across from her.

She loved him so much.

The waiter took both of their orders and the two talked about various things. Finn was getting more nervous, but unfortunately he knew he was going to have to eat his food. If he didn't, he knew Bayley would ask him what was wrong.

"Finn, I love you," Bayley stated out of the blue after she finished her meal.

He reached across the table to grab her hand. "I love you too."

She smiled at him as he grabbed her hand tighter. "Which is why I want to ask you about something."

"Finn, you know you can ask me anything, right?"

"Good, because you mean a lot to me. You've been the best thing that's come into my life, Bay. I love you more than words can explain. I cannot imagine my life without you, and I don't want to let you go," he said as he got on one knee. "So, Bayley Martinez, will you make me the luckiest guy ever and marry me?"

She was at a loss for words. She wasn't crying, not yet, at least. She smiled and nodded her head. "Yes."

He took her petite left hand and placed the ring on her finger. He kissed her and stood up. The people in the restaurant were clapping, even the waiter who took their order.

After Finn paid for the meal, the two were back on the streets of New York City. Finn waved down a cab and as soon as they were in, Bayley grabbed him by the shirt collar and kissed him.

"I can't believe I'm going to be your wife, I love you so much," she said as she pulled away from him.

He grazed her cheek with his thumb. "I love you too. I cannot wait to plan the wedding."


Hello everyone! They're getting married!! As always don't forget to vote and comment!

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