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Bayley looked at the invitation in her hand. First off she hated weddings. Second off, Becky was her best friend so she knew she should go.

However, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Weddings weren't her thing because of what happened at her own.

Her ex-fiancé, Aaron, had left her at the altar and never explained why. She later found out that he not only cheated on her, but had gotten that woman pregnant.

When Bayley got the invitation, she smiled to herself, happy that Becky was finally getting married. After looking at it for a week, she began to feel upset and sad, as she knew that could've been her.

However, with what Aaron did, she was glad she didn't marry that asshole. Bayley couldn't imagine herself with a dirty cheater for the rest of her life, so she was happy she found out when she did.

"Hello, earth to Bayley!" She looked up to see Sasha, her roommate snapping her fingers in front of her.

"Sorry, I was just looking at the invi-"

"Invitation for Beck's wedding? I figured," Sasha cut Bayley off as she grabbed a smoothie from their fridge.

Sasha was Bayley's roommate, and she had been ever since Bayley moved to New York City.

Bayley was hesitant to leave her hometown of San Jose, but after Aaron left her there, she needed a change in her environment.

And she had always loved the city.

"Sash, you know I can't go."

"Bullshit, you don't want to go. There's a difference," she said as she sat down across from Bayley.

Bayley sighed and chucked the invitation across the table to Sasha. Sasha skimmed the little piece of paper, her brown eyes following the words on the page.

"Bay, she literally wants you to be her maid of honor! You have to go!" Sasha chirped with excitement. "I'm just a bridesmaid."

"Sasha, I wish I was just a bridesmaid. I don't know if I want to be her maid of honor."

"Clearly, she thought of you, so the nice thing for you to do is accept. I mean, aren't you at least a little bit excited?"

Bayley sighed and she watched her best friend drink her smoothie. She would've been lying if she said she wasn't a little excited, as it was one of her best friends. However, she still hated the fact that she had to go to a wedding.

"I guess, but Sash, I think I'm just excited to see Becky walk down the aisle."

Sasha nodded, standing up from the table. She threw the bottle away, and headed towards the shower, leaving her best friend to ponder the thought of going to the wedding.

Sasha knew the impact that Bayley's failed wedding had left on her, but she needed her best friend to move on and put herself back out there.

Bayley looked at the invitation one last time before hanging it up on the fridge. She just decided to deal with it later, or wait for a call from Becky.

Bayley heard the shower water start running and she knew it was her cue to leave without being questioned. Bayley loved Sasha to death, but sometimes she asked a lot of questions on where Bayley was going, and she didn't like it.

Bayley grabbed her jacket, heading out into the winter air. Bayley loved everything about the city in Christmastime, as it was always decorated up for the holiday.

Bayley passed by Starbucks, wondering if she should get a peppermint mocha latte, but thought better of it. However, she quickly changed her mind, as she knew she would pass another one on the next block.

Bayley walked into the coffee shop, surrounded by many people on their phones and the workers calling out orders left and right.

She never knew how Sasha worked here.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks, now may I help you?" A woman with blonde hair asked Bayley.

"A grande peppermint mocha latte please," Bayley told the woman as she got out her payment.

The woman handed her back her change and Bayley patiently waited for her latte. Bayley never really paid much attention to who came in and out of places, but this one man caught her eye as he walked in.

He had on a leather jacket, jeans, and a wrestling tee which made Bayley smile. She had always loved WWE, and even thought she wanted to be a wrestler at one point, but that dream soon left her mind.

She watched the mysterious, good-looking man order his coffee. He had dark hair, bright blue eyes, and his muscular figure. Bayley hadn't seen a man this attractive since Aaron.

Well, she hadn't really looked at other men after Aaron.

"Order for Finn!" The employee called out and Bayley saw the man claim his drink, and then rush out the door.

One part of Bayley was sad, she wanted to get to know the guy, but the other part of her was happy that they hadn't had a conversation.

However, she would remember his name:


HEY GUYS! I am so excited for this book, and this is the first chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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