Part 39

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Anthony's P.O.V

I continued listening to Mary calmly breath for a while, my poor girl I thought, it hurt me so bad knowing she had to go through this and I couldn't help her at all. When I was absolutely sure she fell asleep, I got off the phone and looked at the time, it was 5.30 now. Well I guess i should just stay awake now, even if I could go back to sleep i wouldn't be able to do. I was sitting on the edge of the bed now, staring at the phone, trying to figure out what I could do to safe Mary from this guy. I got dressed and decided to have a smoke downstairs, on my way out I met Lindy. He was astonished to see me as he looked at his watch "Wow, I didn't expect you to be up already Anthony!" he said, as I shrugged. "You look terrible!" he said laughing at me. "Yeah well, had a rough night." I said. "Yeah I heard your guys were out drinking?" he asked. "Well yeah, but I left early!" i said. "I see, because of your girlfriend?" he asked me winking. I nodded "Yeah!" and smiled, I didn't want to speak with him about Mary any further, i thought of telling it Flea or John. "Anyway, I'm out for a smoke, see ya later Lindy!" I said, as I waved him. I knew I had to concentrate on the interview later and the show, but Mary just didn't leave my mind for one second. I looked up in the sky, while smoking and wished I could be with her now. After a while, I got back in, making my way to the breakfast area. Lindy was sitting there already, accompanied by Flea. I sat next to Flea and he gave me a clap on the shoulder "What's up man, you look terrible!" he said, laughing. I laughed too "Yeah yeah I know, you don't look like a beauty queen either beans!" I said. Lindy poured us some coffee into our cups. "So where is the rest?" I asked, sipping my coffee. Flea shook his head "Chad is probably hung over and John sleeps like a stone, I tried to wake him up but no chance man!" he said. Lindy nervously looked at his watch "Well, I don't wanna be the bad manager, but someone should wake them up. We have to leave in half an hour." Flea and I looked at each other, nobody of us wanted to enter Chads room, but then Flea said "Anthony is more then happy to wake up Chad, right?" he said, giving me a dirty look. I rolled my eyes, gulped down my coffee and made my way to his room. I loved Chad, there's no doubt about it, but his hung over self was a pain in the ass not gonna lie. I knocked on his door like a couple of times, of course he didn't answer me, so I walked in. "Chad? Yo Chad?" i said, tip toeing through the room which was covered in darkness. "Fucks sake!" i murmured, as I reached the curtains. I opened them, only to find a messy bed but no Chad. Instead two passed out girls. Probably the one who tried to seduce me the other night. Where the fuck is he, I asked myself, when I looked into the bathroom. There he was, passed out in the bathtub. Only one thing would wake him up now, I let cold water run on his head and that's when he woke up. "Motherfucker!" he yelled, when he saw me. "Well good morning Chad!" i said, standing in front of him, with my arms crossed. He shakes himself off like a wet dog, then holding his head with both hands "Fuck!" he murmured. "What time is it man?" he asked, climbing out of the bathtub. "Time to get you a strong coffee Chad and to go" I said, he now was standing in front of me,barely standing on his feet, rubbing his head. "Alright man, I'll be downstairs in a minute" as he said that, I couldn't but shake my head in disbelief and laugh. When i left the bathroom one of the girls walked naked towards me, seeing first me then Chad and put on a dirty smirk "Ohh I didn't expect we'd have a foursome right in the morning" she said, running one finger over my chest, I hold her back. " Well because that won't happen!" I said, taking a glimpse at Chad, who put on a dirty smile. "Chad get dressed, NOW!" I said with a serious tone. The girl giggled "Are you his nanny?" she asked me. "Nanny Kiedis!" Chad said laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked out, waving behind me "Whatever, see ya Chad!" i said. Walking down the hall, I saw John. He was slowly walking towards the elevator. "Greenie!" I yelled, he looked dazzled "Swan, you're already awake?" he said, sounding sleepy. Wearing a fedora and his red Mohawk in a messy tail. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder "Seems like you didn't get much sleep either huh?" i said, shaking him by his shoulder. "Well uh yeah, I was on the phone with Ivy!" he said. " Ohh I see, dirty phone talk mh?!" i said, giving him a dirty wink. "Actually no!" John said, as we entered now the elevator. "What? What did you do then Greenie?" i asked him astonished. "Uh we listened to music together and uh talked until 3 a.m or so!" he said, rubbing his neck.
"You two are some true lovebirds aren't you?" i teased him. He then shot me a look back "So uh you and Mary were jacking off till the sun rise?" he said, laughing. "How do you know Greenie?" i asked him back. "Oh please Swan, you're like the loudest motherfucker when you're fucking or jacking off, I heard you when I walked by your door!" he said, shaking his head and laughing. "Ok ok you caught me Greenie, after that i actually slept like a baby but Mary called me again at like 4 a.m!" i said. "Why that Swan? She was horny again?" he said laughing again. "No man, actually I wanted to talk about this with you!" i said, as we were walking towards the lobby. "What happened Swan?" he said, searching for his cigarettes. I looked around then insisted to go for a quick smoke. He gave me a cigarette and lighted it up for me "So, she called me sounding drunk and sobbing. The moment I heard the phone and her voice I knew something happened. Seems like her ex boyfriend showed up and seeking her out, sitting like a creeper in front of her house!" i said, as John looked shocked at me. "Oh my god what? You know that guy?" he asked me. "No I don't, she said he's from Detroit and somehow moved now to LA I don't know. Anyways he's threatened her and that scared the shit out of Mary. I'm so glad she called me, but it was heartbreaking to hear her on the phone like this." John now shaking his head in disbelief "Fuck I'm sorry Swan, what are you going to do now?" he asked me. "That's the point Greenie, I'm still figuring out how to protect her from him, while being here!" I said, finishing my cigarette. "You mean like kind of a bodyguard?" he asked me. "Greenie that's actually brilliant, but who?" i said, as we walked back in. The guys and Lindy sitting in the lobby now. "Why don't you ask the guys for it Swan?" he said now out loud, as they looked at us. "Ask us what?" Flea said. Actually I didn't want them all to know, especially not Lindy but that was Greenies thing, he couldn't shut the fuck up about certain things. I rolled my eyes now "Okay long story short I need some kind of bodyguard for Mary in LA!" They all laughed first, Lindy then said "You can brainstorm this in the van guys, we have to go, we're already late." he said, giving Chad and John a bad look. "Wait he's from Detroit, do I know him?" Chad asked me, i laughed "I don't think so Chad, he went to college!" i said, as he threw his lighter after me "Yeah, fuck you Anthony!" We both laughed at it "But in all seriousness, do you know some guys Chad?" i asked him. "Why? To beat him up?" Chad said, with a serious tone. Flea then joined the conversation "Anthony that's not the solution!" he said, rolling his eyes. "Well you got a better idea beans?" i asked him, to be honest I really was all serious about it. "Listen, it's too obvious putting a guy outside her door, I'm pretty sure she won't feel comfortable about it as well" Flea said. "Well, but she needs some kind of protection you know?!" I said. "How about my friend Bill?" John suggested. I gave him a sceptic look "Hell no Greenie, at the end he'll fuck her!" i said. I knew this pissed John off, but Bill was definitely not an option. "Guys, can we concentrate now on today?" Lindy interrupted us, by looking into the rear view mirror. I really didn't know what to do, who should I call? That was the disadvantages of touring, having your girlfriend not with you but still manage to concentrate on the shows and interviews.

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