Remember Me [Part 1]

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"Y/N? When do you plan on going home?" Your co-worker, Dr. Curtis Connors, yelled to you across the laboratory.

You had gotten to work at five that morning and it was now nine at night. You also had not gotten any sleep the night before, seeing as you had been out searching for that beast who seems to always be terrorizing the town. This was becoming a sort of routine for you: Go to work, go home, stay up all night fighting whatever villain crossed your path, repeat. Sleep was scarce in your life. You were still learning how to control your powers, too. You had your powers for about six months now, but it always seemed like you were finding out something new about them. It can be rather difficult to hide them sometimes. Superhuman strength can get irritating when you have to be gentle.

"Right now. Christ, it's nine o'clock. I've been here for sixteen hours. I'm gonna hit it, Curt. See you tomorrow," you smiled as you began to leave. "Hey," Curt grabbed your arm. You stopped and looked at Curt, "What's up, man?" "Try and get some sleep tonight. Come in a little later if you want. Otto and I can cover for you," Curt flashes a smile. You wrapped your arm around Curt in a semi-hug, "Thank you so much, Curt. You're a saint. Tell Otto I said a million thanks." You headed out of the Oscorp Lab.

You headed out the door of the giant building. You scrolled through your phone like it had the answer to your problems. It didn't, but it was a good thing to keep you occupied. You had been doing that a lot lately: occupying yourself. Your new powers helped, even if they were a burden sometimes. You were constantly searching for Venom - the new villain on the scene. Which had you feeling a lot more drained recently. You did not always find the symbiote, but when you did he would give you a run for your money. He was double your size and triple your strength. He often would sling you around like a rag doll, but you refused to let him have the victory over you. You would fight back with all your strength. You always would end up retreating before he could find out who you were. He would constantly hiss about wanting to see who's under that mask. You could never let that happen.

You felt your head start throbbing while you thought about the past months: the powers, the loss of Eddie, the monster that felt like he was always a step ahead. It was enough to make you never want to leave bed. Eddie was the biggest part of this.

You would never forget that night...

"Eddie, we need to talk about something," you mumbled already choking on your words.

Eddie sat on his couch smiling at you, "What is it, princess?" You had your back to him, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. "I think.... we need to see other people, Ed," your vision became blurry. "Wh-What? Why are you saying this? You have to explain," Eddie grabbed you and turned you around. "We just have to, Ed. I am so sorry, I just have a lot going on. I don't want to put you through that. Please, Eddie. You have to understand," your warm tears burnt into your cheeks.

Eddie's eyes were beginning to fill like yours, "Really? You seriously think I can't handle whatever it is? Y/N, we've been together for almost a year. Your problems are my problems, I'll always be here for you. Please, you can't do this." "Eddie, you wouldn't understand," you cried. "I would understand anything, princess. You know that. You just have to talk to me. Please, talk to me," Eddie was crying now. "Ed... I just... can't," you looked into his tear-filled eyes. You felt your lip quiver, "I am so sorry. I have to go, Eddie."

You rushed out of his apartment, Eddie screamed "No, Wait!" behind you.

... You rubbed your temples to make the headache stop.

You walked home in the dark. You kept thinking about Eddie. You wondering what he was doing now. Who he was doing now. You thought about checking his social media, but he deleted it months ago. You had not seen a sign of him since that dreadful night. You wondered if he was doing better than you were. He was always stronger than you, something you loved about him. "That's all in the past," you growled to yourself, the hate in your voice very apparent. You regretted your decision to leave Eddie everyday, but there was nothing you could do about it now. You still had feelings for him, and wished you could go back in time and take it all back. "It was the right thing to do," repeated in your mind. "We would have hurt him," throbbed in the back of your head. "STOP," you whispered to yourself, stopping in your tracks. "I know what I did," you shook off the thoughts and continued home.

Once at your apartment, you turned on the TV. J. Jonah Jameson was screaming into the prompter, "THE WALL-CRAWLING-MENACE STRIKES AGAIN!" You despised that he called you a menace. All you wanted to do was help the town, but you were demonized for it. A lot of people demonized you. It was easier to blame someone, even if they were helping you. Most the time, people played the card that you "Caused too much damage," even though you saved their lives. You were becoming numb to all the assholes in New York State. You found it comical that you work part-time for J. J., which is actually how you and Eddie met. He hired you both to get photos of whatever the new hit thing was in New York State for the Daily Bugle...

"Y/N, meet Eddie Brock. You two will be my head photographers," J. J. said. You smiled at Eddie as you both shook hands. "It's really nice to meet you, Mr. Brock," you blushed. Eddie smiled at you, "It's a pleasure."

... Eddie, however, quit his job after the breakup. Funny, J. J. had no idea the woman who brought him the best footage of the "Wall-Crawler" was Spidey herself. "Swear to God, if he calls me a menace one more time... I'll show him a menace," you mumbled to yourself. J. J. went on about how bad you were for the city for another hour. After getting sick of J. J.'s mindless rants, you headed into the kitchen and began to make a bowl of your favorite cereal.

"BREAKING NEWS," the banner flashed across the screen. You felt the hairs on your arm stand-up. You dropped the box when you saw the image on your television screen. "MONSTER THREATENS LOCAL RESIDENTS! POLICE FORCES TRY TO STOP THE MONSTER, BUT NOTHING SEEMS TO BE WORKING. PLEASE, IF YOU LIVE IN THE SURROUNDING AREA, STAY INSIDE AND SAFE," the news woman spoke in fear for the broadcasting station was a mere block away from where the action was happening. Venom was surrounded by Police Officers. "This is it! I can finally show them what I am here to do," you suited up. You cracked your knuckles and jumped out of your window.

You swung from building to building feeling high on life. "This is my time," you thought, "You can do it, Spidey. You can finally get him!" You stuck to the side of the building closest to where the action was happening. You were slightly out of sight, but you could still see what was happening.

End//Part 1

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