Remember Me [Part 6]

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It's been almost a two weeks since Eddie proposed to you.

He has called you continuously, you had to force yourself to not answer. You could not answer, not after how you reacted. You kept getting messages saying "I love you," "I am so sorry," or "Please, come back." You wanted to go back, but you really could not. You had fallen into a pit of depression, much worse than the previous one. It hit you a lot harder this time. You had gone back to catching casual bank robbers, nothing too serious had come about in the city. Your life was becoming boring.

You got home from work one night, unlocking your door with ease. You threw your stuff onto your counter top, walking into the living room and throwing yourself onto the sofa. You scrolled past the messages from Eddie who was begging you to stay safe and not hurt yourself. You wanted to text back and tell him that he needed to stay safe, but you couldn't. You reached for the remote when you heard an aggressive knocking at your door. You jumped to your feet and walked over to the door. You opened it slowly. It was Venom.

"YOU FUCKING PROMISED! YOU TOLD ME YOU WOULD NOT HURT HIM AGAIN, YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR," Venom threw you across the room as he stepped inside. You caught yourself against the floor. You looked up at the beast who's anger was painted all over his face. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM?! HE HAS HELD ME BACK THIS WHOLE TIME, TELLING ME YOU WOULD COME BACK AND YOU FUCKING DIDN'T," he sounded hurt. Could you really have hurt Venom's feelings, or was he just acting hurt because of Eddie? "Th-this is trespassing," you were breathing heavily. "Oh, shut up. You overstepped with Eddie this time. He gave you his love and all you could do was stomp on it. You are weak! I never want you around Eddie ever again," Venom growled. You jumped up to your feet, "Funny thing, you aren't my boss. You aren't even Eddie's so I don't know why you're here to protect him." "Because I actually care about him unlike you," Venom hissed. You felt your heart sink. He was right. For someone who claimed they cared about Eddie, you sure did not act like it. You held your stomach where Venom had cut you, it was hurting. It would hurt every time you thought about Eddie. You felt your eyes filling with tears as you fell to your knees. The pain hurt worse than usual. Venom hissed under his breath, "I am not going to feel bad for you. I don't feel for you as Eddie does." Your breathing was different. You felt like your heart could explode. "I'm so sorry. Tell him, I really am sorry. I should not have left," you spoke with a lump in your throat. Venom looked over his shoulder at you, "He's begging me to let him see you, but I won't let him feel pity for you just because you're crying. Insect, that's all you are." "Tell him I am an idiot. I know I'm an idiot. He deserves so much better than me. Please, tell him, Venom. Tell him I am sorry and wish I had never left, especially not twice," your tears dropped to the floor. "Worthless," Venom growled. You stood up slowly, holding your stomach as you walked over to your sofa. You sat down with your face in your hands. Your stomach was aching, but you tried to not think about it. You felt a headache coming on, it was throbbing in the back of your head.

You felt a hand on your shoulder. You gasped loudly. "You... you didn't have to leave. We could have talked about it. You could have just said no instead of freaking out on me," Eddie muttered as he sat down beside you. "Eddie, I-" "I know," Eddie cut you off, "You don't have to keep saying it." His tone was shallow. You felt bad, really bad. You wanted to touch Eddie, but that would be wrong. "I'm really pissed off, you know," Eddie spoke. He was staring at the floor. "I... I can only imagine," you looked at him. "Yeah, that's the problem. You don't understand how bad this has hurt me. I have never, NO ONCE, done this to you," Eddie gritted his teeth. "I know," you whispered, "I really am sorry." "Yeah, you really should be. It took everything to not let him come here and kill you. He was more upset then I was. I've been fighting him for two weeks. Sometimes, I thought about what life would be like if I let that happen. I couldn't continued living. I would rather die than live without you, that's how much you mean to me. I know, you don't feel the same way, but you're very important to me. Even if I'm not," Eddie's eyebrows furrowed. "It's not healthy, I know that. It's toxic to love someone who doesn't love you-" "But, I do love you. I know, I never fucking show it. I'm a fucking piece of shit, and I know that. I take my insecurities out on you. That's really shitty, I know. I have to stop if I want this to further," you spoke angry with yourself. Eddie looked at you with wide eyes, "You don't have to talk about yourself that way. It doesn't make me feel any better to know that you hate yourself. I love you and want you to love you." "I... I love you, too, Eddie," you whispered.

He looked at you in shock. It was the first time you had told him you loved him since you both met up again. "D-Did you... did you just tell me that you loved me?" You looked at Eddie and nodded, his eyes were getting full of tears. Eddie pulled you into an embrace, "P-Please don't leave me again. Please. I'm sorry I rushed things. I just got you back, I shouldn't have proposed. It was too soon. I love you so much." You relaxed in Eddie's arms, "It's okay, Eddie. I... I have to work on my communication skills. I need to learn how to talk to you," you mumbled. "I want to be happy with you. I know, it's going to take time for us to adjust, but I believe in us. We can do this," Eddie smiled at you.

Suddenly, Venom pushed you out of Eddie's grasp. "THIS IS PURE HORSE SHIT AND YOU BOTH KNOW IT," Venom growled loudly. "I am done with you two constantly making up and breaking up, it's either one or the other. NOW MAKE UP YOUR MIND," Venom hissed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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