Remember Me [Part 2]

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You stared down at the Policemen surrounding your target. You wanted to swing in and go all in, but you decided to wait and see the Policemen's approach.

The Chief spoke into a megaphone, "We are only going to ask one more time to step down. We DO NOT want to have to use force here!" Venom laughed a wicked laugh at the cops in front of him, "Perhaps, you all should go. If you have a family or loved ones, you better leave now. You might not ever see them again if you stay here." The Policemen all stiffened. One of the younger cops spoke, "It's bl-bluffing, r-right? Tell me it isn't serious, Chief." The Chief brushed off what the rookie said, speaking into the megaphone once more, "We will give you to the count of three. ONE!" Venom scoffed, "Do you think I'm some sort of baby? Counting to three is not going to do a thing, but piss me off."

"TWO!" the cop continued. "Jackass," Venom grinned.

"ONE! FIRE BOYS," the cops began an open fire on Venom. You felt a sense of relief thinking the cops had it under control, but it was the complete opposite. Bullet shells painted the ground as all the officers shot all the bullets they had with them.

When the open fire stopped, Venom stood taller than ever. He chuckled, "All you got? Fine, now it's my turn." With one swift jump, Venom took out an entire cop car. The younger cops began to scatter, but did not get far. Venom grabbed them and slammed them into the ground. He used their lifeless bodies to knock down several of the others. Screams could be heard from blocks away, blood curdling screams of pain had you frozen on the side of the building. You wanted to help, but there's nothing you could do other than somehow put the blame on yourself for this tragedy. Venom continued with his attack. He was ripping people in half, eating them like it was nothing. Blood from their bodies would splat onto the ground and the other cop's faces. You felt your stomach turn at the sound of guts and blood hitting the ground. Bones crunched down below and all you could do was watch. You could not force yourself to leave the building side. You were feeling ashamed to consider yourself a hero. Venom threw the Chief into the side of the police car, you heard his neck snap. With that, all the officers were dead. Their limps painted the ground. You felt yourself wanting to throw up, but you couldn't. All you could do was stare down at the Beast as he lapped at the blood on the ground and woofed down the remains of the men. Venom growled as he stood up straight and stretched out.

Suddenly, the Symbiote retreated slightly and a man was revealed. It was... it was Eddie. You felt your heart sink and you lost grip of the side of the building. You fell a slight way before repositioning yourself. You could not believe what you were seeing. Eddie was the beast you had been chasing this whole time. Venom was speaking to Eddie, "Now that that's over, let's go find that Spider-Chick. We're on a roll tonight, Edster." "Please, stop. Can we please just take a break. She hasn't done anything to us. Can we stop being the bad guy for a day," Eddie was clearly in distress. Venom scoffed at Eddie, "Stop being a puss for five minutes." "I am not being a puss, V. I get sick of constantly hurting people. I... I am not a bad person," Eddie looked at the ground. "You used to be a good person, Edster. We're the same person, and I am not a good person. Get over it. This is your life now," Venom hissed in Eddie's face. You jumped down from the side of the building, landing behind Venom and Eddie. "So, you're looking for me? Here I am, Venom," your voice and legs were shaky. Eddie's eyes widened, "Oh, no. Please, get out of here. He won't hesita-" "Silence," Venom hissed in Eddie's face.

"So, it's you. The Wall-Crawler, isn't that what J. J.'s been callin' her, Eds? Comical," Venom snarled at you. "V, please. Let's go home," Eddie pleaded. Venom growled at Eddie, "Shut your mouth, pussy." Eddie looked at you with concerned eyes, "Run." Venom took over Eddie's body once more. He grabbed you by the leg and flung you up into the air. You shot a web to the side of the building and gripped yourself. Venom growled in anger, "I am not letting you get away this time." Venom shot his arm up towards you, you jumped off the side of the building to avoid him. But, your jump was not successful. His other arm grabbed you and slammed your body to the other side of him. You had never felt pain like this. He threw your body into the side of the building, you crashed through the glass door. You felt your lip start bleeding, but you had to fight through it. You stood to your feet. You yelled at Venom, "HEY! Is that all you got? Who's the puss now?" Venom shot a disturbing look to you, "Sounds like someone got her big girl pants on today, huh? SHOW ME IF THERE'S SOME BITE BEHIND THAT BARK, PRINCESS!" You slingshot yourself towards Venom using two webs, you nailed him right in the stomach. He stumbled backwards, but not losing his complete balance. "Feeling ourself today, are we? You won't be feeling anything for much longer," Venom snarled. Venom shot his arm toward you, but he wasn't going for a hard blow. Instead, he was going to grab your ankle. He did so and threw you over him, slamming you into the pavement. You cried out as you felt your body being pushed further than it should. Venom slammed you in front of him, laughing as he played with you like a doll. He threw you up into the air, so you shot webs into his face. This made him disoriented, giving you the chance to catch yourself. You shot a web and swung over to the side of a building where you could hide.

You were breathing heavy, your mask was getting stuffy. "Just go home, Y/N. This is too much, it's okay to give up," you thought. "NO, I am too close to give up now. I don't care if it is Eddie, I have to-" "HEY, SPIDER-BITCH! YOU BETTER COME OUT OR I'LL KILL EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKING CITY!" You had officially pissed Venom off. Eddie telling you to run played in your mind as you climbed to the top of the building. "He looked so worried for me," you thought. "Same face he had when you left him, idiot" you muttered. You reached the top of the building and looked down at Venom. He was huffing and puffing down below. His anger painted his face while he waited on you to show yourself. Once Venom turned his back to the building you stood on, you swung down. You knocked your feet into him, causing him to fall to his knees. He hissed when he turned to look at you. "I am not going to let you destroy this city because of me. I am right here, now come and get me," you stood tall. "I've been waiting a long time for you to say that," Venom smiled. Venom's arm turned into a sharp blade. He swung at you, cutting your stomach open. You cried out in pain as you felt blood rush from the cut. You fell to one knee as you held your stomach in pain. Venom swung his arm up at you, "Now, to finish you off." You rolled to your right, avoiding him. You tried to crawl away, but you were loosing so much blood it was hard to get anywhere. Venom stretched his arms out and grabbed you by the waist and held you in front of him.

This was it. Venom had you. He was holding you up, staring at you. "Now then, I can finally see who is under here," he snarled with pleasure. You squirmed in his hands causing him to grip tighter. You cried out in pain as his massive claws dug into you. You panicked when his giant hand was placed on your face. "NO! No, anything but this! Please, don't do this," you pleaded with him. "You begging makes me want to do it more, sweetie. Now, be quiet for me, princess," he smiled at you. You tried to stretch out your arms to make him loosen his grip, but he only held you tighter. "VENOM, NO! PLEASE, DON'T-" with that he pulled the mask off your face.

Your heart sank as you looked at Venom, your true identity exposed. The look on Venom's face was pure shock. "You," he spoke. "Yeah. It's me," you whispered through your shame.

End//Part 2

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