Remember Me [Part 4]

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"So," Eddie looked at you, "How... did it happen?"

You looked at your wrist painted with your web-shooter, "I... I got bit by a radioactive spider at work. Y'know, a normal day at Oscorp. Yeah, it was crazy. It hurt, bad. It was swollen up for almost a week, I broke almost everything I touched, I had no idea how to control it." Eddie looked down at his own hand, "I imagine it was tough. I could have helped, you know?" You looked at him with shock, "Yeah. I know that." Eddie scoffed, "But you didn't care about that, did you?" You began to get slightly frustrated, "It wasn't personal, Eddie. I... I didn't want to hurt you." Eddie chuckled, "You don't consider leaving me personal? Then what is personal to you? Sex? It wasn't like we didn't do that too. Guess nothing was sacred to you. I was just some cheap fling, right?" You scooted away from Eddie, "You meant the world to me, Ed." Eddie rested his chin in his hand, "I obviously wasn't personal enough." You blew your breath out, "You're so full of shit." Eddie shot a look over at you, "Oh? I'm full of shit? This idea of protecting me you're holding onto is shit and you know it." "How would you know?! I couldn't put you through this, Eddie! You meant too much-" "IF I MEANT SO MUCH, YOU WOULD HAVE TRIED TO HELP ME UNDERSTAND!"

He was right. He was always right, it seemed. He would have understood. He would have helped you through it. You knew that, you always knew that. It was a simple fact that you overlooked when you made your decision. You hated yourself for it, but it was the facts. You should have explained to Eddie what happened. Eddie would have supported you no matter what. He loved you that much.

You sat, staring at the floor as Eddie gritted his teeth. Suddenly, Eddie's arm turned into Venom. He hissed at you. "Why so worked up, Ed? She really isn't worth it," Venom's anger could be heard as he spoke. "Don't say things like that," Eddie mumbled. "It's the facts, Ed. For as long as we have been together, you've been torn up over this chick. From the sound of it, she only cares about herself. Why be so messed up over her? She could not care less about you, Ed," Venom growled.

You felt a knot in your stomach. Everything Venom was saying made you feel like shit. He was really making you realize what you did was wrong. You felt your head start throbbing like you did every time you thought about that night. It tortured you. You wished you could go back and change everything, but you couldn't This was the path you chose. You rubbed your temples trying to make the headache stop, it wasn't going to help.

Venom growled in Eddie's ear, "Make her leave. She is no good. Besides, she is the enemy. Think about how many times we've fought her in the past. All she wants is to see us behind bars, Edster. You've done her a service by bandaging her up, now set her free." Eddie held his face in his hands, "You know I can't do that, V. You know how I feel." "Pathetic! That's all you are," Venom snarled. "And as for you," Venom devoted his attention to you, "How dare you? How dare you force him to feel bad for you. You have done nothing, but hurt him. You did not deserve his kindness. He did not have to help you. We should have taken you to the police and turned you in, they've been looking for you."

"Venom, sto-" "I wish you had never been a part of his life. You never deserved someone like Eddie. You could not fathom how much pain he has felt because of you."

"Venom, enou-" "He was going to kill himself because of you. You left him right as the cancer hit. He had no one after you left. You left him to deal with it alone. He would have rather died than continued living without you."

"Enough, Ve-" "He would have stopped the world for you, but you couldn't even give him a reason for leaving? What gave you the right? What gives you the right now to come back to him?"

"Venom, pleas-" "You deserved to die back there." "JUST STOP!" Eddie commanded and Venom disappeared.

You felt yourself shaking. Venom was right. You did deserve to die. Nothing could ever make up for what you did to Eddie. You held you wound, shaking uncontrollably. You felt your eyes filling with tears. You had no idea Eddie had gotten cancer. He never even mentioned it. You felt a million emotions flood your body. Your headache worsened. It was throbbing. Your vision was blurry.

"I have to go," you stood as tears streamed down your cheeks. Eddie stood and grabbed your shoulders, "You can't leave again. Not like this. Please, you can't do this again. We-We can make it work. V-Venom has no clue what he is talking about. He-He-He doesn't know. He couldn't understand, h-h-he doesn't have emotion like you or I. P-Please, Y/N, don't leave again." Eddie pulled you into his arms, holding you tighter than he ever had before. He was crying. "I can't be alone again... yo-you just came back, and you... you already want to leave. I can't do that again," he was breathing heavily. You felt your body continued to shake as Eddie held you close. You felt safe being held again.

Eddie loosened his grip on you slightly, just enough to be able to look at your face. You looked up at Eddie who's eyes were still flooding just like yours. He looked at you with caring eyes. Your breath was skipping while you looked at him. You could not leave him again. Not again.

Eddie cupped your cheek, "I.... I love you." Your eyes widened, "What?" Eddie pressed his lips to yours. You embraced his kiss, pressing yours back to his. This was the first time you had kissed someone in quite sometime. It felt magical. The kiss ended and you looked up at Eddie with pink cheeks. "Please, stay with me tonight," Eddie kissed your forehead.

"I... I don't know if I can, Eddie," you whispered.

End//Part 4

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