Remember Me [Part 3]

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"No," Venom muttered as he dropped you to the ground.

You winced as you hit the ground. You held your stomach as Venom turned his back to you. Venom reverted to speak to Eddie once again. Eddie was covered in sweat and was covering his mouth with his free hand. "Eddie, you have to look at her," Venom whispered. Eddie's breathing became heavy and fell to his knees. "Get up," Venom commanded. Eddie's body was shaking. You wanted to walk over to him, but you feared that would make things worse. "Ed, we can leave her here. If you want. C'mon, Edster," Venom was showing a form of empathy for his host. It was odd to see this side of the beast you had been fighting. The truth was, Venom actually did care about Eddie when it came down to it. They felt the same pain and Venom inherited all Eddie's pain after the breakup. "Eddie, let's go home," Venom whispered.

"I... I can't do this," Eddie cried. Venom vanished out of sight, it was just Eddie now. "Huh," you whispered. "I haven't seen you in months, and... and I... We just... We've been fixating on you for so long... I was hung up on our relationship, so fighting you helped. I had no idea it was you. How could I have known? You... didn't know this was me either. I've been trying to move on, but it turns out I've been chasing anyway. This... this isn't right," Eddie rose back to his feet, back still turned. "Eddie, please. You have to understand I didn't want to hurt you," you tried to stand, but all you could do was sit up onto your knees. "You didn't want to hurt me? Really? So you just left? Is that how you solve your problems, Y/N?! Running away?! That's horse shit! Stop lying for five fucking seconds and tell me why you left," Eddie was pissed. "Ed, I... I had just got the powers and... I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to burden you, so I left. These powers, their hell and I didn't want to put you through that. I am so sorry," you felt a lump in your throat. Eddie's eyebrows furrowed, "That's all, huh? Just... you just left because you got some stupid powers? What fucking ever." You struggled to push yourself to your feet, but you managed. You limped over to Eddie, your pain was excruciating. You stood behind Eddie, "Eddie, I'm serious." You felt your tears burn your already bruised cheeks. Eddie turned around to see you standing inches away from him, crying. His sympathy painted his face, "Jesus Christ, Y/N. He beat the shit out of you." You looked at Eddie, "I'll be okay." You were not okay. Your legs gave out on you after saying that. You fell into Eddie, but he caught you. Eddie held you tight, "We have to get you to a hospital." "NO! We cannot do that," you spoke loud. "Why not? You're gonna bleed out," Eddie looked at you very concerned. "Ed, how the hell do you explain this. 'Hey, so, I'm that monster on the news. This is my ex-girlfriend who is actually Spider-Woman, I totally just fucked her up. Can you fix it?' I don't think that'll go over well," you rested your head on Eddie's chest. Eddie slightly smirked at you, "You're such a jackass sometimes." You laughed, but it hurt. It hurt bad. The cut on your stomach wasn't too deep, but deep enough that sudden movements and laughing hurt. Eddie felt you wince against him, "You need to keep your eyes open. I'll take you back to my place. I can bandage you up there." Your eyes were getting heavy, "You... you don't have to do that, Eddie. I can make it..."

Everything went black.

You woke up in Eddie's apartment. You were covered with a blanket. You lifted up the blanket to see your stomach wrapped. You were not in the same clothes you had been wearing. Your suit was gone and you were wearing some old clothes. You sat up slowly. Eddie was in the kitchen, you could hear him cooking. You walked into the kitchen and leaned your back against the wall. "Hey, Ed," you muttered. Eddie looked at you, "Glad to see you're finally up. How you feeling?" You held you stomach, "Weird." Eddie smiled softly as his attention went back to the food he was preparing. You sat at the circular dining table and rested your chin on your hand. You felt tired and in immense pain, but at least you were safe. You began to drift off into space.

Eddie sat a plate down in front of you and a glass of water. You came back from space. "Thank you," you whispered. Eddie sat down across from you. You ate the food he prepared like you had not ate in a month. It was delicious and was gone as quick as you had got it. You circled the rim of the glass of water with your finger. "So," you broke the silence, "Where did these clothes come from?" Eddie chuckled slightly, "They were some you left here. I just never threw them out. I hope you didn't mind me changing what you were wearing. Your... um... costume was ripped and covered in blood. I know, it was rude not to ask, but you needed to be wrapped up." You looked at him while he stared at his food, "No, no. It's okay." Eddie looked up at you, "The food, was it good?" You blushed, "It was outstanding, Eddie. Thank you." Eddie smiled, "Anything for you."

After Eddie finished his food, you helped him wash the dishes. He begged you to rest, that he could do the dishes himself. You insisted on helping him, so he quit fighting you about it. Eddie would look at you the same way he used to, like he loved you. You knew you still liked Eddie, but things had changed. You both had grew as people, things were different now. There was no way you both could just jump back into things. You still liked Eddie, a lot. Every time he would smile at you, you felt butterflies in your stomach. You knew you wanted to be with him, but things were still too complicated right now. You couldn't burden him.

Once you finished the dishes, you went and sat back on the couch. "So," Eddie joined you on the couch, "Should we talk about it?" You looked at him as he sat rather close, "About...?" "Everything. The breakup, your powers, my... um, friend. I think we both deserve explanations."

"Okay," you whispered as you shifted to face Eddie on the couch.

End//Part 3

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