Remember Me [Part 5]

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"Wh-what?" Eddie let go of his grip on you.

"I'm scared, Eddie. Scared I might hurt you," you looked up at him. Eddie pressed his lips to yours again, "You could never hurt me." Eddie held the back of your neck, holding you close to his lips as he continued to kiss you. Eddie moved his lips from yours to your neck. You felt chills run down your body as he sucked slightly on your neck. You felt your cheeks turning red as your arousal pooled inside you, "Wh-what are you doing?" "Yeah, Eddie, what are you doing?!" Venom pushed his way between you and Eddie. Eddie groaned as Venom separated you, "What the hell, V?" "I could be asking you the same thing, Eddie. What do you think you're doing? Think you're going to hook-up with this sorry bitch? I don't think so. I won't let you get yourself in the same slump," Venom hissed in Eddie's face. "Good thing you're not my boss, Venom. This is my body and my life, you have no say in what I do," Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "Your life is my life, Eddie. Everything you think, I think. Everything you do, I'm doing with you. Everything you feel, I feel. Don't think I can't feel that little sensation between your legs," Venom smirked. Eddie's cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. "Let me live my own life," Eddie demanded. Venom snarled his teeth at Eddie, then turned to you, "Get out of here. You are no good." You took a step closer to Venom, "You don't know what you're talking about. I wouldn't hurt Eddie again, not now. He knows now, so I have no reason to avoid him. Looks like he's having a similar problem to me, parasite."

Venom suddenly threw you into the wall opposite him, "Insect." Eddie rushed over to you, "What the fuck, Venom?! Just leave, dammit." You jumped up to your feet, "Sounds like your parasite has his feelings on his sleeves." Eddie hushed you, "Please, don't test him." You grinned at Eddie, "Can't he handle what he dishes out? Too sensitive?" Eddie looked at you with a half smile, "Stop." You kissed Eddie on the cheek, "Let me talk to him." "Wh-what? It's kinda obvious that won't go well," Eddie spoke concerned for your well-being. "Hey, Venom," you spoke trying to get his attention. Venom got in your face, "What do you want, insect?" "Venom, listen, I wouldn't hurt you or Eddie ever again. I know the only thoughts Eddie has had of me since you've known him have been negative ones. So, you only see me negatively. Venom, I promise I won't hurt him again," you looked into Venom's cold eyes. You knew he understood your sincerity. "I'll give you one chance, insect. One. Don't hurt him again," with that Venom retreated back to Eddie. Eddie looked at you, mouth agape, "That... that was incredible. How did you do that?" You smiled at Eddie, "We just... understood each other that was all. He knew I was serious. But.... we've gotta work on that 'insect' thing." Eddie laughed, "He'll call you that forever because he knows it bothers you." You smiled at Eddie, "He's a dick." "Yeah, he really is," Eddie smiled.

You walked and sat down on Eddie's couch. Eddie sat down beside you. He pulled your leg over his, "Now, where were we?" You bit your lip as Eddie leaned in close to you. "It's been a long time," you whispered close to Eddie's lips. Eddie pressed his lips to yours, his tongue explored your mouth. You and Eddie's tongues instinctively knew each other. You broke the kiss with Eddie, "Are you sure... this is what you want?" Eddie leaned into you, "This... this is what I need. I need you. I need to be inside you. Eddie placed his hand on your thigh and squeezed, "I need to fuck you, Y/N." You felt your cheeks filling with your anticipation, "You... really want-" "I need. I need it." Eddie licked your lip. You smirked at Eddie, "You're... you're really needing this, huh?" Eddie pulled you onto his lap, "More than anything." Eddie's member was poking through his jeans. Eddie held your face in his hands. He pulled you to his lips. He kissed you as he had before you broke the kiss. Eddie gave attention to your neck, sucking on it he left hickeys that would soon disappear. You quietly moaned as Eddie continued his magic against your neck. Eddie moved to your ear, nibbling on it. Shivers went down your body which made Eddie smile, "Does my Princess like what she's feeling?" You bit your lip and smiled, "Of course." Eddie picked you up, "Let's go have even more fun." You looked at Eddie, his arousal painted his face as he carried you to his bedroom.

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