Chapter - Six

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[This chapter is completely SHIT.
Also I haven't editied it yet so, yeah take this shit]

,,Are all these wires really necessary?''

Michelangelo poked curiously to one of the red wires amongst all the blue ones stuck to his head. He had a couple around on his plastron to read his heart rate or something too.

Donatello placed the last red wire to his frontal lobe. He stepped back with a satisfied smile and immediately turned to sit in his chair and turn towards his laptop. Donatello's table was always a mess, and at the moment it littered with paper with scribbles and small doodles of machines and small metal pieces and a few extra wires.

Donatello's fingers moved quick and smoothly over they keys as he continued to write some codes of some sort that the younger turtle didn't understand.
,,Okay. This might give you a tingling sensation.'' The genius warned and pressed a button. The room remained quiet but and a soft tickling feeling traveled down Michelangelo's nape to his plastron. He chuckled a shortly by the tickling feeling, a small smile crept on his face.

Donatello smiled softly too before turning to look and tap away on his laptop again.

,,So, what's wrong with me Doc?''

,,Hm.. Well your heart rate seems to be fine at the moment. But your mental brain waves seem to be all over the place...'' Explained Donatello and tapped away on the keyboard again.

The small turtle shifted nervously in his seat.

,,So that means I'm crazy or something?'' He asked unsurely and raised his brow. Donatello turned around in his chair and shook his head. ,,No, no, no, no, no! I mean, not entirely.''

Michelangelo knew that the older turtle hadn't meant to make him feel worse, but the nervous expression on Donatello's face made him worry, he looked down at his hands on his lap, he didn't want eye contact.

,,Look, Mikey I'll have to do some research. But for now I'll get April to take your results to a doctor and get me some pills from the pharmacy that should help you.'' Donatello's face softened a bit when he looked at the younger turtle.

Small tears prickled Michelangelo's eyes but he fought them back. It stung a bit.

,,Mikey.'' Donatello continued ,,It'll be okay soon. I promise.'' He reassured and put a hand on Michelangelo's shoulder. The small turtle dried away a small tear that had managed to escape and roll down his cheek.

,,Donnie. Am I depressed?'' He sniffed. Donatello's brows scrunched up and he went quiet for a moment. He was most likely thinking of a suiting response.

,,It would seem like that's the case.. Or part of it..'' He lowered his voice to a small, almost non existent sound at the last part, but Michelangelo heard it anyways. His shoulders slumped.

Raphael was right.


Raphael and Leonardo's loud yells were filling the living room space yet again. Things getting pushed around and moved and stomping made the ground shake. Michelangelo turned his head into the warmth of Donatello's lower stomach. His head was yet again on Donatello's lap and Donatello himself sat on Michelangelo's bed, with the soft yellow light casting soothing light around the small room. The older turtle hushed lowly trying to calm his younger brother for the sound of 'Thunder' and 'Lightning' from down the hall.

,,Why do they keep arguing?'' Whispered Michelangelo's small voice into the taller ones plastron. Donatello sighed deeply and shook his head ,,I don't know Mikey.'' Replied the bigger turtle. Michelangelo's head turned slightly to look at the old, wooden door to his room.

,,When will dad be home?'' He asked without a single emotion on his face. He felt so tired.

,,Soon I hope.'' Replied the older turtle. Master Splinter had gone out for a meditation trip around Central America to regenerate his inner spirit. He would be gone for around a month and it had been a week since he left.

The faint yelling suddenly started becoming more clear and louder. Michelangelo shook slightly and moved to press his face into the comfort of Donatello's plastron again and Donatello softly drove his hand over his head. A sound of glass smashing followed by a booming howl made them both look up at the closed door in shock. ,,Donnie.'' Michelangelo whispered weakly, Donatello softly moved Michelangelo from his lap to the bed and stood and went to the door. ,,Stay here Mikey.'' He ordered and went out.

The first thing that caught Donatello's eyes were red, and lots of it. Leonardo was on the floor holding a tight hand to the back of his head where red sticky substance oozed out. Blood.

A loud growl from the third turtle in the room made Donatello look over at Raphael. His eyes were glowing emerald green and his pupil were shrunken in disgust, his teeth were showing and he looked ready to kill and Donatello instantly knew that the turtle had gone feral.

Leonardo had his other hand out in front of his face, trying to protect himself from the red cladded turtle in front of him. None of them had noticed Donatello's presence. Donatello didn't hesitate when he ran towards the feral turtle and grabbed out for his wrists, he succeeded to get Raphael's attention to him instead of Leonardo who was sitting in a pile of broken pieces of glass and bleeding from his head, but Raphael moved before Donatello could get a grip around his wrists. Raphael yelled out and charged him, slamming him down to the floor ''Donnie!'' Yelled Leonardo's hoarse voice. Raphael swung his fist down and punched Donatello hard across his jaw. Pain shot up through his nerves but nothing he wasn't used to, he reacted quickly and headbutted Raphael back making him fall off him. The world slurred and everything was blurry for a few seconds before his head recovered from the hit. When he blinked again Leonardo, who was still bleeding, Had pinned Raphael to the floor as good as he could. Donatello moved over and helped Leonardo hold him down to the floor.

,,Raphael, calm down.'' Ordered Leonardo calmly but Raphael squirmed and growled.

,,You don't control me!'' He yelled back and huffed in exhaustion. He was getting tired, good.

,,Raph, it's me- Donatello. Calm down dude, breathe.'' Instructed Donatello as calmly as he could, he was still slightly shaken up by it all. ,,Breathe, relax, remember your training.''

After a few minutes of coaxing Raphael finally relax a bit, his eyes turned normal and he stopped growling. Donatello went to fetch some bandages for their injuries and when he came back Leonardo sat on the communal couch and Raphael crouched in front of him.

No one said a word.

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