Sherlock was in the middle of his best man speech, "and I know I speak for Mary as well when I say we will never let you down and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that." He looked down at his cards, he heard a sob or two throughout the local but did not pay much attention to it. Sherlock shuffled through his cards to see what part was next. "Ah, yes. Now on to some funny stories about John-" he trailed off as he watched over the crowd. Everyone was either crying or sobbing, either way, he was in a state of confusion. "What's wrong? What happened? Why are you all doing that?" He asked quickly. "John?" He pleaded with his friend for some sort of help.
"Oh, Sherlock." He heard Ms. Hudson faintly from the crowd. It did not help his case as he turned to John.
"Did I do it wrong?" He was positively confused about the situation he was in. Worried he might have ruined his best friends wedding.
John stood up and put his napkin down after drying away some tears. "No you didn't.." he pulled Sherlock in for a hug, "..come here." And everyone applauded at this.
Sherlock is still confused, standing perfectly still but lets himself be wrapped in Johns' arms. That is after all where he feels the safest.
This is just a quickie a wrote the other day cause I need to practice my writing but whatever. Wanted to post something so here ya go.

RandomJust random one-shots I write when I get inspiration. Hope you like it! (Slow updates, sorry)