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Yukina was struggling to keep warm. With her eyes closed, she snuggled closer to the body of warmth that was in front of her. However, her eyes shot open wide when she felt rock hard muscles instead of a small pudgy boy that she always snuggled with.

She looked up and saw a sleeping Wakatoshi. His face was slightly bent down so that when he woke up, the first thing he saw would be her. She stared as she took in every little detail about him and etched it into her memories. His skin was a little dry, does he not moisturize? She noticed there were some wrinkles near the corners of his eyes. She chuckled to herself slightly noticing she was not the only one who had wrinkles.

"Do you enjoy staring at people sleeping?" His low voice mumbled through the silence.
"I do have a kid, now do I?"
Wakatoshi fluttered his eyes open to look down at Yukina with a fond smile, "What does that supposed to mean?"
Yukina returned the smile back as she looked up into his dark eyes. "It means I like to watch my son sleep in peace."

Slowly, she turned her head back down and saw that both of them were still naked from the night before. She quickly took the blanket up, covering her chest as color was creeping up on her cheeks. She was replaying the events from last night, causing her cheeks to get hotter.

"What's the matter?" Wakatoshi frown while he watch the woman in front of him bury her face deeper into his chest with her hands in front of her.
"I think we went a little too fast last night." Yukina mumbled as she covered her face with her hands.
"I think it was the right pace." Wakatoshi comforted her, placing a kiss on the crown of her head. "At least I thought so." He whispered.

Yukina whined a little as she was too embarrassed to admit that this was a little too fast for her. Why did it happened so quickly? Was it because she had longed for this night since forever ago? Does that mean he wanted this just as much as she did? Or because he knew she was an easy target.

"Are you just saying that because you know I'm easy?" She whispered softly.
Wakatoshi lifted her chin so that he could look at her pouty face. He furrowed his brows together, "I don't understand what you're trying to say."
"Back in high school, you asked me to be your girlfriend since you've never experienced a relationship before. And you used me as a trial run before you got with Ama, right?" She averted her gaze from him while taking his hand away from her face.
"Yukina, you were the only one for me since Year One."
"What?" Yukina looked back at him in surprise. "But we only started talking since Year Three."
"You've caught my attention since Year One, because of those rumors."
"Because of those rumors, I decided I wanted to keep you happy."
Wakatoshi sighed, holding Yukina closer to him, trying to steal her body heat. "Just asked Tendo. In the meantime..." His voice trailed off as he started to give tiny love bites on her neck.
"Uh, I don't know..." Yukina mumbled covering up her stomach and chest. Wakatoshi looked down with a frown, figuring out why she's being shy now.
"Are you afraid of your stretch marks?" He raised an eyebrow. Getting the subject right made Yukina move her gaze away from his eyes. His expression visibility soften, understanding why she could be embarrassed. "Nothing about you changed, Yukina."

He whispered softly. Leaving love bites on top of her chest, where stretch marks were around her breasts, and down to her stomach. Yukina couldn't help but let out a giggle while his kisses were tickling her.

"You have nothing to worry about." Wakatoshi whispered when he brought himself back up and kiss her forehead while his thumb was caressing her cheek. "These marks are just a reminder of how strong you were when you gave birth and had to raise Kaito yourself." Yukina looked at him with a soft smile.
"Thanks, Wakatoshi. I didn't really think about it like that."
"That's because you didn't date the right guy to tell you that."
"Oh? Are you the right guy? The one who smiled at another girl when no one thought it was possible?" Yukina raised an eyebrow while eyeing him.
"Do you know what Ama and I were talking about?" He looked at her solemnly. Yukina gulped, afraid of his answer. "She said I was the luckiest man in the world to be with you."
"I've done everything to avoid her being near me and she just wanted to tell me something that afternoon. If I knew the aftermath of that small conversation, I wouldn't have went." Wakatoshi hummed as he pulled Yukina closer into his embrace. "That day, I felt like the gods had cursed me when I lost you."

Heaven Sent - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now