Chapter 3

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You pile your luggage into johnnys massive truck, and just as you step into the truck Steve-O and Ryan Dunn come bounding out of the truck causing you to fall over. Johnny, Ryan and Steve-o began laughing at you "looks like I didn't need to get you back, as O and Dunn already have!" Laughs johnny. "Haha oh man, I'm sorry hun" says Ryan as he chuckles slightly helping me up. "I'm Ryan Dunn, This is Steve-o and I believe youve already met Knox" Ryan says. "Aha. Yes, he greeted me with a delightful faceplant to the floor!" you reply with. "Your fault Amy!" I hear johnny shout inside the car. Steve-o and Ryan snigger. "Well, its lovely to meet you both" you say to them. You shake Steve-os hand and try to shake Ryans, but he pushes your hand away and embraces you in a tight bear hug. He was warm. He smelt a bit funny, but his thick ginger beard tickled your face. You chuckle as he begins jokily suffocating you, "Ryan youre guna kill her! At least wait until we've done some stunts!" Steve-o says. "Urgh, I suppose" Ryan replys releasing me giving me a nice beardy smile. You smile back. Then you, Steve-o and Ryan pile into johnnys car. Ryan in the back with you, Steve-o and johnny in the front.

"So what's first guys?" You ask them eagerly. "Well, were going to Bams first so we can get you settled in and meet everyone. And theres a slight change of plan to the show which I will tell you all later" johnny answers. "Oh Fuck, its nothing bad is it?" You ask. "Wha? No no! Uh its a surprise I guess. Don't you worry about it" johnny glances round and gives me a quick wink. "Eyes on the road asshole!" Me and Ryan scream at him in unison. Me and Ryan exchange a cheeky smile. The smile you had when you exchanged a personal joke with Michael. "I think I'm going to like it here" you think to yourself not realising youre smiling. "What's so funny?" Ryan asks. Steve-os busy talking to johnny, not really paying attention to you two. "Nothing, It just seems so surreal meeting you guys. Ive seen you on tv since I was a kid, and its kinda been my dream to meet you guys. And now that I'm here, I just cant quite believe it!" you can feel yourself blush slightly trying to hide inside your jacket. Ryan chuckles softly. "You shouldn't hide, its a nice compliment having someone as cute as you think that. Not many people think that. We're as you say, an "equired taste"" he says. "Well then its a fucking awesome taste, everyone doesn't know what they're missing!" You reply back. You and Ryan giggle to each other. "What's so funny?" Steve-o asks. "Oh nothing O, personal joke" Ryan replys giving me a wink, and wrapping his arm round your shoulder. You begin to yawn "Jesus, I forgot how long you must of been up for Amy! Get some sleep" Ryan tells you. You take him up on the offer, and shortly fall asleep on his shoulder.

Your dreaming again, And this time your at castle Bam. All The guys are at the entrance, and You try and walk towards them. When your menacing sisters block you. "Move you twerps" you tell them. "No" they say in unison. "Mummy and stepdaddy want you back. They're sending you to a special school" still said in unison. You look down to see youre placed in a straight jacket, and your being dragged back from your jackasses. "HELP. SOMEBODY, PLEASE. JOHNNY? STEVE-O?! RYAN!!" They couldn't hear you. Your sisters waved goodbye to you and you were hauled in the back of a van. Just before you hit the van floor, You woke up exasperated. You were in a strange yet very stylish room, in a king sized bed. Just next to the bed, was a bathroom. You go inside, and lock yourself in there.

You take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You looked awful. "Shit... My head is fucked up..." You say aloud. You were drenched in sweat. What was mascara was now black splodges on your face. "How on earth could Ryan have thought I was cute? Wait, where is Ryan?" You thought. You tidy your face up, and walk back into the mysterious room where you awoke.

You see your empty luggage cases out on the floor, and begin to wonder where your belongings are. You see one wardrobe and two drawers in the room, you open them up and reveal your clothes already in them! "What the fu-" you are cut off when none other than Ryan comes in and screams "AMY!" Throwing a bucket of water at you. You scream because of the fright and fall backwards. "Ow Fuck dude!, you startled me. And now I'm fucking drenched!' you Say to Ryan. He's trying his hardest not to laugh, but he can't help it. You start to laugh too, even though you're in pain due to the fall "You can't seem to stay on your feet when you're around me huh?" He cheerily says. "Ha ha ha" you sarcastically reply. He helps you up, and gives you another hug. This time, softer. Even thought you were wet. It was like hugging michael. You enjoyed this. You pull away from Ryan. He gives you a smile, and looks at you intensively for a second. "What? Is there something on my face?!" You squeal intensely rubbing your face. "Wha? No you silly bitch! You just have the most beautiful eyes..." He says softly. "My eyes?" You ask. "Yeah. It's like.. I don't know. They're mesmerizing" he says. 'Oh' you reply not quite knowing what else to say. "Ryan?" You ask. "Yeah?" "Where are we?" "Why, you're at castle Bam sweet heart!" He shouts.

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