Chapter 7

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Ryan's POV

You've just seem Amy run up into her bedroom and shut her door "Theres something attractively quirky about her" you chuckle quietly to yourself. You walk into the joint kitchen/living room to find it the usual mess. Bam, johnny and Steve-o are lounging around on the sofas, while the others are manically after each other. Pulling pranks as always. You cover your crotch as you pass by a nearly wasted Dave England, And grab a bottle of beer from the fridge. You sit next to Bam as he is explaining to Knox and O about Missy. Bam had already informed you about what happened when you were all outside "I told her that I knew about the other men, and that she can Fuck off. She threatened me with her 'male friends' to come get me. So I told her she'd be too busy fucking them to get me. So she grabbed her suitcases and left. I heard her knock into something on her way leaving. I go out to what she broke, turns out she knocked over the new girl on the floor, and Missy was saying something to her. That new chick looked like she wanted to rip Missys head off! Wish she did. Anyway, that's the end of her I guess" Bam miserably finishes. "Good fucking riddance!" You tell Bam. Giving him a punch in the arm. He punches you back harder. Youre both wrestling on the floor with each other now. Steve-o and johnny break you two up, even though everyone's laughing. You all sit back your original positions where you were.

"So guys, what'd you think of the new girl amy?" Knox asks us. "I think she's great!" You enthusiastically reply, O and Knoxville nodding in agreement. "What about you Bam?" O asks. "Well, she's cute as Fuck. Dont get me wrong, but I think Missy did a number on her. I probably made the worst impression" Bam miserably replys. "She's has got the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen though..." "OOOOO" me, Knox and o reply back simultaneously. It was a childish remark, but hey. What do you expects, we're jackasses! "That's it Bam, get back on the old horse!" Knox tells Bam. Me and O sniggering. "Yeah well Fuck you guys" and Bam walks out the room. "speaking of her, Where is she Dunn?" Asks O. "She's sleeping, still jetlagged" you reply back. "Although, It would be nice to see bam with a decent girl for once. Maybe it could be Amy. She seemed to really care what he thought about her earlier" you thought to yourself. "What's wrong Dunn?" Knox asks. "Nothing, just thinking of what Jeffs beggining stunt is for the movie is" "fair enough, don't worry. We'll get him back if its total bullshit" johnny replies back. O and Knox continue talking about what stunts you all could do for the film, but you just couldn't stop thinking about Amy. Bam was right, her eyes really were beautiful.

Bams POV

You've just stormed out of the room at the guys remarks about you liking Amy. "Yeah, okay maybe she is really fucking cute, and you could see the whole world in her eyes. But that doesn't mean anything" you thought to yourself. You go up to your room and sit on your bed. Contemplating what's going on.

"Missys just left, there's a movie coming up, and now this new girl. Maybe... Wait, no. Fuck, a girl like Amy would never go for someone like me. Especially after Missy. She probably thinks I'm a terrible person, and I led her to leaving. ARGHH' You think to yourself and throw yourself backwards on your bed. "Actually, Yknow what? Fuck Missy. Who needs her? She was always complaining about me doing the stunts. It's my fucking job and I love it! Screw her" you get up off your bed and walks out the door feeling slightly better.

You begin waking down the hallway and stop suddenly, hearing strange noises coming from Amys room. "Was she in pain? Wait, what's she saying? What the Fuck" You thought. You open her door, to reveal her in bed. Shes tossing and turning within the blanket. She looks like she's in pain. You go over to her side, and shake her arm. "Amy, Amy babe wake up" she wakes up startled. "Fuck, not again..." She sinks back into her pillow. You sit on the side of her bed. "Are you okay babe? Bad dream?" You ask her. "Yeah, you could say that" she glumly replies. "Listen Bam, I'm sorry if I did anything earlier. I didn't mean to make missy mad, I just wanted to make a good first impression on you, and now I'm just talking Shit and I'm sorry" she's tells you so quickly. "What? No! me and her are over now. It just wasn't working. It wasn't you, it was me. she was a bitch anyway, And she didn't like me doing stunts, but this place. These people, the stunts, they're my life! And you're part of that now" you tell her giving her a smile. She giggles. She has such a cute English laugh. "Oh, well at least you got the movie to take your mind off her. Seriously though?! You are THEE Bam Margera! You're stunts are what make you, you. And I still can't believe I'm actually part of the team now!" she tells you. "Yeah, you're right! It's great to have you here Amy" You tell her As you get off her bed. You go into hug her. "Welcome to the crazy family" you whisper in her ear. You can feel her smiling. You stand back up, and begin to walk out her door. "Oh, and Besides the movie. I think I also got my mind set on something else" you give her a wink, and walk out the room shutting her door. "Okay, maybe you were beginning to like her. So fucking what? You'll just have to see how things go. But what was up with her sleeping just then? Eh. Probably just jetlag" you think to yourself while walking down stairs.

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