Chapter 11

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Amys POV

You've been discussing with Jeff and spike about the movie for the entirety of the time you've been at the party. You had completely forgotten about Ryan and Bam, and you were really happy just to be here. You hadn't drunk much, and you were definitely still with it. Most of the people were either passed out, or have gone home at this point, so it had quiten down a lot since you arrived. Only you, Jeff and spike still seemed to still have sense.

You had almost convinced Spike and Jeff to tell you what the beginning scene for the movie is, until Ryan comes stumbling over interrupting them. He's smells awful. You had gotton used to the smell of the party by now, but he smelt like so much worse. He nearly trips onto you, until regaining his balance, Just. Hes been drinking, and smoking something by the smell and looks of him. He wasn't wearing trousers, and his hair was wild. "Where the Fuck did handsome Ryan go?!" You thought. He wraps his arm round your waist. "Dude, Where are your pants?" You ask him trying to pry his drunken hands off you. "Neverr you mindd, sweeet hearttt. Justtt less for youu to takee off" he slurs. "Ha ha ha" you sarcastically reply. "in your dreams Ryan, Youre fucking wasted" you tell him. You turn to Jeff and spike. They give you a weird kind of look. Like they knows somethings going to happen, but you try and ignore the looks and ask them if they would get involved in any of the stunts for the movie. They started talking again, but you couldn't pay attention properly because of the wasted and probably high Ryan still attached to you. His arm moved from your waist to the back zip of your dress, slowly pulling the zip down "Ryan, what the Fuck do you think youre doing?!" You scream at him standing up, making him fall over. The room was deadly silent by now. "Yourree heree for a reasoon aren't youu? To get fuckked? Soooo lettss fuckkin Fuckkk alreaady!" He shouts, then laughing hysterically on the floor. He tried to get up off the floor, but failed many times. "Fuck you man, I'm not that kind of girl" you snapped at him. "weeell youu suree loook likeee onee! Taaake aa look in tthe mirrorror hunnn, youu lookk likeee eveerryy otherr bimbooo heree" he slurred and quietly passed out on the floor. You could feel your eyes about to flood with tears. You knew you shouldn't take this personally because he was drunk, but they say a drunk mind is an honest one. You didn't Like this Ryan one bit. He was mean. Jeff and spike stepped in at this point.

Jeff put his arm round your shoulder, and took you outside. Whilst spike propped up Ryan against a wall, and tried to sober him up. When you're outside with Jeff, he calls you a cab. While waiting for it, Jeff told you to ignore Ryan as he was out of his mind with the alcohol and drugs and that he wasn't normally like this. You don't reply back to him. You're still slightly shocked from Ryan's comment "Amy? Are you alright?" He asks me. You could hear the concern in his voice. "Y-yeah, I guess" you stutter. He rubs your back in a friendly comforting way. "Don't worry, I've known him for ages. He really doesn't mean it, and he will feel like the biggest Dick when he sobers up" he tells you. You nod in agreement, not wanting to talk anymore. Jeff could sense this, and kept quiet till your cab arrived.

After 20 minutes of silence with Jeff, your cab came. Jeff opened the door for you, and you stepped inside. Jeff gave the driver The address for castle Bam, and gave him a $20 dollar note. "Keep the change" he told the driver, "but look after her, She's had a bit of a rough night" he added. Jeff turned to look at you, "Il see you and the guys in a couple of days to take you to California. That's where we're shooting the beginning scene, okay?" He told you. You nodded and tried to give him a smile. He smiled back and closed the cab door. As the cab pulled away from johnnys, jeff waved goodbye to you and you waved back.

You were then left alone with your thoughts, and the silent cab driver. "Maybe this is a good thing" you thought to yourself. "I got to see what Ryan was like before anything serious happened between us. Not that I was certain he liked me, but I was certainly starting to like him. He's seems like a great friend, But a relationship with him is too risky. I don't know how long Im going to be a Jackass for, hopefully forever. But if the relationship went wrong, It would ruin the teams amazing chemistry. So its final. If something was between us, its definitely over now. He was such a cock. I just can't get involved with anyone here. The Jackass's are too unpredictable" you told yourself. You were starting to worry about the following morning. Wondering If what Ryan said tonight, that he'd meant it. You ignore the thought, but You now felt ridiculous in your outfit. So you wrapped yourself in your black CKY Jumper, and tried to think of filming in a couple of days. Nothing was going to stop you enjoying being a Jackass. Not even Ryan Dunn.

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