Chapter 9

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Amy's POV

Youve finished getting ready for the party. You've decided to wear your short ruffled tight white strapless dress, that complimented your shape, with your new Red converse heels Michael bought you as a leaving present. Youre wearing scarlet lipstick, and have drawn thick black lines ending with a flick on top of your eye lids. And Youve curled your thick black hair. You grab your black CKY hoodie and walk out the door. On your way down the stairs, you notice Ryan waiting at the bottom. "Fuck me, He scrubbed up well" you thought to your self. He looks up and gives you the hugest smile. You smile back. He was wearing a white flannel shirt, the top few buttons not done up. Black blazer, jeans, and his classic adio shoes. He's brushed his hair... And beard. "Bloody hell, he looks fucking good. Wait, what am I saying?!" You thought. You liked Bam! not Ryan. At least, you thought you did...

Ryans POV

All the other guys have left to stock up on alcohol for johnnys. So you decided to wait for Amy seeing as she wouldn't have a fucking clue where the party would be. Usually Bam would of stayed with you, but he's kinda avoiding you after you caught onto him about liking Amy. You hear someone coming down the stairs. You turn around, It was Amy. "Oh. My. Fuck" you thought. You give her a big smile. She looked stunning, you could barely recognise her. It was her eyes that gave it away for you "You look... Wow" trying to compliment her. "Is it too much?" She asks you looking worried, pulling down her dress slightly. "No! You look great!" you reassure her smiling. "Oh, good" she says smiling. She had a lovely smile. "Soooo, where are the others?" She asks eagerly. "They've gone to get booze for the party, so I thought id take you to Johnnys as no one else seemed to realise we have a new guest, and that certain guest would probably fall over many times and get lost" winking at her. She hit your arm playfully laughing slightly. "COME MI'LADY" you boom throughout the empty castle, offering her your arm. "Your chariot, awaits" she smiles and slips her arm through yours. You both walk out to the drive way, towards your red custom motorcycle. You let go of her Arm, and you give her your only helmet. You sit on your bike, tapping the seat signalling her to get on "So this is your chariot?" She Asks you with an unamused face. "Yep! Ain't she a beauty?" You tell her rubbing the bike. "Not as beautiful as you though" you whisper under your breath. She's still fiddling with the helmet, so she couldn't of heard you. You hoped. "Why did I say that though? It just slipped out, it was as if I couldn't help myself..." you thought. You shook away the weird thought. She's having trouble with the helmet. You get up from your bike, and take the Helmet from her. You Unclasp the buckle, and gentle put it onto her curled hair. Tucking in a loose strand here and there. Her skin was so soft, you look into her eyes feeling yourself getting lost... "Ryan?" she asks, You snap out of it, and reply back. "Yeah?" "Wheres your helmet, Dumbass?" She snaps at you "Hun, I'm a stuntman. I've been doing stunts ever since I could walk, probably when I was still in my moms womb! don't worry" You say giving her a wink and a chuckle. She looks worried. You rub her shoulder. "Il be fine, I promise" she tries to give you a smile. You get back on your motorcycle, Amy sits behind you wrapping her hands round your waist. "Hold on" you tell her, and start the bike slowly leaving castle Bam. You start to pick up speed, Amy burrowing further into your back holding, tighter and tighter. You wanted to stay like this forever with her. Unfortunately you both had a party to get to. So you decide to take a longer route to johnnys. "She didn't know the way, and I just wanted to stay like this a bit longer with her. having her All to myself" you thought to yourself. You know this would backfire, but now you just wanted to stay in the moment with her. So off you sped down the road with Amy clasping for dear life on your back. You liked this. A lot.

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