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Charli POV

Now, I would tell you what the text said, but it was really too embarrassing. I read it once, that night, and then I reread it over and over until my face was burning. And then I read it again. 

Larie convinced me to go to meet Maddox again, so I was trying to choose my outfit and also having an internal freakout. I was really nervous to see him again, surely he would realize that I was just dumb little Charli and he was a man, a hot man at that? 

Also, tomorrow was another school day. And my parents were going to kill me if they found out I skipped class. My parents were mostly nice to me, they were actually planning a big party for my birthday (not that I have that many friends to invite) but if they found out that I did anything dangerous or bad, I would get in huge trouble. 

Maybe that was why I was such a good girl...or maybe I had just never had the chance to do anything dangerous or life was pretty boring to tell you the truth. 

I thought about telling my mom everything, but I knew that if I did, I would end up giving away that Larie was with me, and she would get in trouble. 

So instead, I was just going to go, meet Maddox, and tell him that it wouldn't work out between us. Which he would probably realize, as soon as he saw me again and realized that I was just a little girl and kind of a loser...I was a good girl and he was your stereotypical bad boy. How much more opposite could we be? 

The problem was, I kept reading his text and smiling to myself. 

"I can't wait for this to all be over," I said to myself, as I pulled some white-washed jeans out of my closet. "Then I won't have to worry about it anymore."

What I was really worried about was that he would convince me that we should be together, and a part of me kinda...wanted to. Even though he was dangerous. Maybe a part of me wanted to be bad, just once. 

Running Away With The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now