The Fever

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Charli POV 

When I woke again, I was in the hospital. 

My consciousness faded in and out for the first few months. At first, Blake came to see me a lot, but one day I woke up and he wasn't there, and then he never came again. I guess he wasn't interested in me anymore once I was sick and not hot. 

The doctors said it was a really bad fever, probably caused by shock. I knew what it really was, though: heartache. I was dying of a broken heart. 

I wished I was dead already. 

I got well enough that the doctors allowed me to go back to my apartment, but I was still too sick to get out of bed. When I stumbled into the apartment, I found a notice on my door: my rent was months late, and if I didn't pay it, they would kick me out onto the streets. 

I was helpless. I went to bed immediately and cried. I knew my parents wouldn't help me, they would disown me for running away and not contacting them in so long. I hoped I could just die now, but I was too scared to kill myself and unfortunately, the fever just wouldn't do the job for me.

I had no money (a/n: remember she left home so quickly that she didn't bring anything with her) so there was only one thing for me to do. 

I went to Larie's. 

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