An Even Nastier Surprise

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Maddox POV 

I meant to go home immediately the next morning and accuse Charli of cheating on me, so that I could get closure and break up with her for good. But then the producer called me, and I had to drive all the way back out to his studio to play him another sample. 

The whole thing felt like I was moving in a haze of pain. I couldn't believe Charli would do this to me. For a second time I had given myself completely to a girl, and she had broken my heart. Everything hurt. 

I didn't get back until the day after that, and when I finally walked into my apartment, I was met with another nasty surprise. 

Blake was in my bed, next to my girlfriend. 

I was so angry I slammed the door loudly. "I'm going to kill you!" I roared. "This time you've gone too f***ing far." 

Blake jumped out of bed and Charli stirred, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She looked at me and then at Blake, looking scared. She grabbed my arm. 

"Maddox," she said, "what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" I said, furious and scathing. "What's the matter? The matter, Charli, is that you cheated on me with my best friend! How could you do this?" 

"What?" said Charli, tears filling her eyes. "I don't even know how Blake got in here! I haven't seen him in days!" 

"So you admit that you're seeing him behind my back!" 

"He came once to tell me something about you—"

"That's a lie—I never asked him to tell anything about me, and you know it. This relationship is over."

I turned to leave, but Charli leapt out of bed and threw herself onto her knees, grabbing onto my pants. "Maddox, listen to me!" she said. "I would rather die than cheat on you! You have to believe me, you have to!"

"I do not!" 

"Maddox, I'm pregnant!" 

A painful throb went through my whole body. So I was going to be a father, and with a girl who I had loved and who had broken my heart in the worst possible way. 

"I'll make sure the baby has money," I said, in a hard voice. "But I never, even want to see you again."

Charli was sobbing, clinging to my legs. I looked at Blake, and that man had the nerve to smile at me. I was so angry that I thought I was going to go insane, so I broke away from Charli and wrenched open the door. 

Charli shrieked and fell onto the floor. 

I stormed out of the apartment. 

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