The Betrayal

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Maddox POV

Charli got sick, so we had to stop. We stayed in a motel for a couple of nights, while I took care of her the way I used to take care of my mother. I fed her chicken soup and kissed her forehead, which was burning up with a fever. 

"Do you usually get sick like this?" I asked her. 

"It's not the first time," she whispered, so pathetic that my heart hurt. I kissed her gently again, even though I'm usually not gentle with girls. What has this girl turned me into...


I went out of the motel to get ice from the ice machine so I could replace Charli's ice pack, but that's when I heard Larie's voice. I paused near the ice machine, listening. 

"Yeah, so, he basically kidnapped me," Larie was saying. 


"I can't believe he would do that," said a man's voice. "What a bad man."

I couldn't believe my ears. It was Clayton's voice. 

"Blake tricked me," said Larie. "But now I'm far away from my parents, and I don't know what I'm going to do. If I stay with Blake, he'll keep hurting me...but I can't go home..." 

What was she saying? Blake had never hurt her. Sure, he can be kind of a rough guy, but he would never lay a finger on a girl. 

Suddenly I realized. She was lying. 

"Do you still love him?" asked Clayton. 

"If I ever had feelings for him, I sure don't anymore," said Larie. "But what else can I do? I have no friends left. I'm probably destined to be with a kidnapper like Blake forever."

Yeah, she was definitely lying. We were her friends! Charli was her best friend!!

I could hear Clayton murmuring comfortingly to her, and then the unmistakable sounds of kissing. I was disgusted. Blake hadn't kidnapped her, that was a complete lie! And here she was, cheating on him. 

Clayton was naive enough to go along with it. I could tell. He was an easygoing guy, never suspicious of anybody, the kind of wimp that any girl could wrap around her finger. He was kind-hearted, and I was sure that Larie knew that and was using it to her advantage. 

I went back to my room. I needed to tell Blake, as soon as possible. 

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