The Box

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Maddox POV

It was late on a Friday and I had just been at a meeting with a guy who ran a bar. I was trying to get a gig at his bar for the weekend, but the guy said my music wasn't "his style." I admit we got into kind of a fight about it, and I left with some banged up knuckles. 

I missed Charli, so I headed home, where I knew she was waiting for me. But on the way there, I saw a bunch of fire engines and I realized one of the apartments near mine was on fire.

"What the hell?" I said, stepping into the crowd and peering up at the apartment. Did somebody burn popcorn or something and set the whole building on fire? I was glad that wasn't my apartment complex. 

Suddenly, this old dude rushed up to me. "Young man!" he cried, shoving a box into my hands. "Hold this!"

"What?" I said. But the old guy ran off. What was that?

I was tempted to just put the box down and leave, especially when the dude didn't come back. I waited around for a while, but they put out the fire and he still didn't show up, so I decided to open the box. What? I was curious. 

Inside was a ton of really expensive looking jewelry. Now, I wasn't a thief but if I was, you better believe I would have run off with that box right away. I looked through the jewelry and found a charm bracelet with a picture on it. 

I looked closely at the picture and my blood ran cold. 

It was Julia. 

The jewelry belonged to my ex-girlfriend, Julia.

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