7. Tell me hyung... when?

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Jimin's eyes widen, not sure if he heard right, "What?"

"I'm hard. You're gonna take care of it right?"

Jimin stares for a moment, his mouth parted in disbelief before he looks down.

This was it. This was his time to shine and use the, he quotes, booty against Jungkook.

He looks up then, sees Jungkook's smirk and he's not sure but something in him fucking snaps.

Fuck seducing.

He scoffs. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Jungkook's face falls.

"You literally just fucking dragged me away from the beach without telling me why and you expect me to get your thirsty dick ass off!?"

Jungkook blinks, sitting up. "Hyung."

"No, shut up! What's your issue with that guy?! It's him right? You got mad because of him earlier then you got mad when he talked to me at the beach. Why?"

Jungkook sighs. "I don't know."

Truthfully, he doesn't. He doesn't know what's wrong. He just saw that man flirting with Jimin and something in him flipped. He saw red.

Jimin blinks, once, twice. He lets out a breath. "You... don't know?"

Jungkook looks down at his hands and fiddles with his fingers. "I don't know I guess I got kind of jealous," he admits.

Jimin's heart skips a beat, he softens almost immediately, feeling both thrilled and anxious.


He wants to smirk and maybe tease Jungkook yet the mood of the room is so serious that he can't.

"I... this is gonna sound dumb but I don't want you to talk to anyone."

Jimin's eyebrows furrow then. "You don't want me to talk to anyone? What the fuck am I supposed to do then Jungkook? Stare at people stupid when they speak to me?"

Jungkook covers his face and lets out this exasperated sound.

"No! No!" He sighs. "That's not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean?" Jimin urges a frown etched onto his face.

"I just..." Jungkook drags his hands down his face. He groans.

"I saw you smiling at whatever that meatball was saying and I realized that him a complete stranger has made you happier than I have today and—"

"Oh Jungkookie stop, that's not true."

Jungkook looks up then, tears in his eyes as he scoffs. "Yes, it is and you know it! I'm supposed to be making you have the time of your life yet I've been a horrible friend today. I pissed you off multiple times and even left you with an old lady."

Jungkook has this pouty grimace going on and Jimin, who's trying his absolute best to maintain his frown, can't help his sudden giggle.

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