Part 18

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Pepper went back to our room, she said she was feeling a little light headed. But she also gave me permission to tell everyone else about her being pregnant. She had said that Rhodey was the one she'd known longest and most wanted to tell.
I leave the Bruce and Rhodey in the kitchen, absent minded LG walking towards the sitting room.
'Come in.' Steve's voice calls out, he's clearly just woken up- he has a heavier Brooklyn accent than normal.
I poke my head round the door, conscious that i haven't seen him since passing out.
'Tony.' He says, standing up, 'how are you?'
'Super.' I say, 'absolutely super. I hear I have you to thank for princess carrying me to safety'
'Something like that.' He says, smiling.
'Listen,' I say, moving into the room and shutting the door. I lean against the wall and stare straight ahead.
'What's up Tony?' He asks, confused.
'Pepper's pregnant.' I say, blunt.
'She's what?' He ask.
'Pregnant.' I repeat.
'When? How long?' He asks.
'She found out the day before...everything kicked off.' I say. I look at Steve out of the corner of my eye; he's perched on the edge of the sofa, thinking about what I said.
'Congratulations.' He says, 'you'll be a great father.'
I look up to him, surprised. I was expecting criticism, people saying I'd be terrible, people saying I'm unqualified. I'm still expecting people to bring up stories from year ago, when I wasn't in my right mind.
'I wouldn't go that far.' I say, downplaying it.
'You will.' He insists, 'you and Pepper. You two are ready for this.'
'What if there's no reversing this?' I ask, sitting down a little while away from him, looking to the floor, 'what if this is the world now?'
'I can't do that.' Steve says, 'I cant believe that. You'll find a way. We'll figure something out. We always do.'
'Yeah.' I say. Silence hangs in the air.
'I am sorry Tony.' He says, and I know we're not talking about Thanks anymore, 'it was on me. All of what happened. I shouldn't's Bucky, he...I've lost him so many times.'
'I know.' I say, and I get it. For the first time, in a long time, I'm not bitter against Steve. He's looking at me now, and I know he can see the scars he left.
'I'm so sorry.' He says quietly.
'It's okay, I am too.' I say. Once again, silence comes. We're relearning how to be with each other.
'So,' He says, looking over to me, 'you're naming the kid after me right?'
'One hundred percent.' I say, 'little baby Captain America Stark-Potts.'
'Got a nice ring to it.' He says, smiling.
'I'll run it by Pepper.' I say.

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