Part 46

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I watch as the sun starts to rise over Wakanda. I've been in the throne room all night, alone. I know Steve's now told Tony of my idea.
I'm not sure what I'm expecting from him. Anything but acceptance.
All we'd need to do is to go back before Thanos was at large, before he got the power stone, and get Wanda and everyone to destroy the stones. Including vision.
But that would change the course of history. Thanos might try to fight again, we'd need to track him down. But not us; not this version of us.
It wouldn't just be parents like Tony losing their children born before this moment; everyone would be losing at least three years of their known lives. Anything that's happened to them in the last three years.
It's a sacrifice.
My phone buzzes and I look to see Tony's name. I double tap and a lifesize hologram of him appears before me.
'Tony.' I say, surprised to hear from him so soon. He doesn't look at me, just turns to look out across the window. He's able to see as if he's in the room with me now.
'Steve came over.' He says after a moment. He doesn't say anything else. He wants me to speak.
'I don't want to. I didn't want to tell anyone. I figure it out months ago...I...I tried to find something else, but you said it yourself-there's only one timeline where we win. Strange saw that.' I say.
'I know.' He says, quietly, 'Dammit, I know.' He says, slamming his palm against the window. He lowers his head, breathing heavily.
I stay quiet. He starts to speak, 'you know, it was Pepper's idea to call him Peter. I wanted to call him Morgan. But it seemed right...' he closes his eyes, rests his forehead against the window, 'every time I see him, I see Peter. My old Peter. I can't...I can't get it out of my head.'
'Tony...' I say.
'I know this has to happen.' He says firm and quickly. He turns to look at me, 'and I know I have to go back. But I can't tell Pepper. I can't tell her that...that she'll lose our son. I can't tell her because I don't think she'd...I'm not sure I could go if she told me not to.'
'I won't. If you tell me not to, I won't do it. But this is it.' I say, 'I have nothing left.'
'Give me this evening. That's all I need. I'll be in Wakanda tomorrow morning.' He says, solemn.
'There is no rush.' I say, 'be with your family. I'll be here.'
And just like that, he cuts off. He's gone. And I move over to sit at the base of the throne. I've never been able to sit in the throne itself; it belongs to my father and my mother and my brother. Not me.
I hold my hands together and pray. For hours and hours, undisturbed, I pray.

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