three kids -Jack

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"It could be our third child" I said to jack while holding the test, he nodded and looked at me with a scared face "and I am only 17" he frowned a little "you don't think I feel just as bad, babe I'm 19, and for us to be maybe pregnant again with our third child isn't what I would have expected for our future"

"Don't be mad at me, you said you'd pull out" he looked a bit hurt at the comment "well after two kids I thought you'd know better than to believe that"

"So what are you saying, that you wanted me pregnant again" he shook his head, "no, Maya is 6 months old I didn't want you pregnant again this close to her, I was hoping we'd have another in the future but not this close" I nodded.

"I'm never having sex again" he looked at me weird as I said that, "because every time we have sex you get me fucking pregnant it feels like" he shook his head, "I believe you were the one begging for me to fuck you" I nodded at him "because you got me pregnant and then refused to have sex with me for nine months"

"It's weird to have sex when your pregnant" "it's natural" he shook his head but we both shut up when we heard the timer go off, we both looked at the test that I had still been holding.


I looked up at jack as his face was just as mine, how could we end up with yet another kid that we are so not ready for. We have two, we had the first one when I was 15 and he was 17, he's two now and milo is one of the best things that's ever happen to us.

Then we had maya, she's only 6 months and I was 16 and he was 18 when we had her, I turned 17 three days before we had maya and jack turned 19 a month before.

Three kids before I've even turned 18 is not what I had in mind for my life but then again I would never trade my kids for the world.

"What are we gonna do" I asked, "we are going to have to think of another 'm' name babe" I giggled as he kissed my head and pulled me closer to him.

Jack's pov

"Wait you're having another baby" Daniel asked as he hooked up his guitar and I nodded "yeah, got any 'm' names" I said and the guys laughed, "but y/n, she isn't even 18 yet" I nodded.

"What can I say we are horny teenagers" they all nodded, "what is she thinking" Jonah asked and we all sat in our chairs "that we are going to be crazy, I mean maya is only 6months and we are having another baby, she doesn't know how we are going to do this, she's scared"

"I mean aren't you scared also jack, three kids and you're only 19 I mean most guys barely even have three kids in there whole life" Zach said and jack nodded "I'm scared as hell, I don't know how I'm going to be a dad of three while this new tour is coming up"

"I feel bad for y/n right now, she's gonna have to deal with these crazy ass kids while I'm gone for three months, all by herself too, I hate that I can't stand the thought of that."

"So have your mom move in with her for the time being or maybe your sister" Jonah said as he took a sip of his coffee "yeah I guess, but Sydney's doing her and I don't think my mom would go for it, I mean we haven't even told her yet" they nodded.

"Well you talked to Sydney" I nodded at corbyn, "she knows" I said and he smiled, "what did she say?" I shrugged "she was happy for us and couldn't wait to see the baby" he nodded.

"I'd say ask your mom to move in, if that doesn't work ask Sydney" I nodded at Jonah.

"You want me to move in with y/n to help take care of all of them" I nodded a Sydney and she smiled "sounds perfect, when can I move in" I laughed "well I don't go on tour for a few more weeks so" she smiled.

"Okay little bro, does mom know?" I shook my head, "we haven't told her yet, scared of what she's gonna say" "probably the same as when you told her you were pregnant the second time" I laughed.

"I got a whole lesson on protection that day, I know how to use a damn condom" Sydney giggled "do you really?" I rolled my eyes and laughed, "at the end of the day I get another baby with the love of my life, so who cares" she smiled and nodded.

"You and y/n were definitely meant to be together and god wanted to show you guys that" I nodded "I wish he could have understood that we got that after the first baby, although I wouldn't trade my kids for the world" she smiled and nodded.

Y/n's pov

"Thank you so much Sydney for all of your help" I said as I rubbed my belly, she sat on the couch next to me and smiled "anything to help you and jack out, I couldn't imagine who it feels to be pregnant and have two kids before your 18"I nodded.

"Yeah, life's crazy but definitely a blessing" she smiled and nodded, "I'm so glad you and jack found each other, he really loves you" I smiled "I love him more than words can express"

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