Basketball -jack

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"Listen you make that ball into that hoop on Friday and I'll think about a date with you Avery" jack smiled, "one basket, and a date with you, done" I giggled as I walked away.

"I have nothing against jack" I told my friend as she giggled, "then why do you make the poor guy suffer, just go on a date with him, you might actually like it" Grayson said and I smiled.

"I like to see if he really wants this date or not, plus he plays basketball, why not have fun with that" she rolled her eyes, "promise me even if he doesn't make the basket you will go on at least on date with him" I nodded.

"Fine" she smiled and nodded.

As Friday rolled around I walked into the gym and took my seat, I smiled at jack, he waved and I waved back. He giggled and pointed to the basket, shooting it in and turning to wink at me.

"For you baby" he said as I read his lips, I giggled as he took off to practice some more, "told you he really likes you" I turned to Grayson, "I'm popular, every guy on the basketball team likes me"

As the game started, I kept my eyes on jack, which apparently decided to be on top of the world, considering that he normally only makes one to two baskets a game but now he had made three and it was the second half.

"Wow I really hope that dinner taste as great as this game is going" Grayson said and I laughed "oh it so better"

Once the game was over, us winning of course, I met jack outside the locker room "good game" he smiled and licked his lip, "you think? I feel I could have made another basket" I giggled as I put my hand in my back pocket.

"So dinner, tomorrow, pick me up at seven" he smiled and nodded "Absolutely beautiful" I bit my lip as he moved his wet hair out of his face, him just getting out of the 'shower'.

I kissed him, he placed his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his body, his other hand went to my cheek and he now lead the kiss.

I pulled back and pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth to stop myself smiling like an idiot, "really can't wait for that dinner now" he smiled and leaned against the wall.

"Then what's stopping us from going now" I nodded and held my hand out, "then let's go"

"Pizza?" I asked and he giggled, he grabbed my hand when we got out of his car, "It's the only thing open right now love" I giggled and shook my head, we sat at a table and order a large pizza.

"So Avery, why did you want to go out with me so bad" he smiled, in the booth we were sitting in, he had sat beside me, with his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh you know, there's just something about you" I nodded, "haven't heard that one before" he giggled, the guy set the pizza down and we thanked him.

"Maybe it's just, you've caught my eyes and not many people do that" I smiled "that was better"

After getting to school, I happened to run into Grayson, "so judging by the kiss in the hallway to the locker room, I can tell you date went well" I giggled and opened my locker.

"Possibly" she smiled and clapped her hands, "great, I'll disappear" I looked at her weird as she walked away, "so you didn't text me back the other night" I turned and looked at jack.

"I didn't actually think you wanted me to respond" he giggled, "I was asking if you got home alright" I nodded, closing my locker and leaning against it.

"Well I just guess the last memory I wanted to have as our first date was your good night kiss" he smiled, "you didn't text me all weekend" I nodded, "playing hard too get"

"Play as hard as you want baby, I'll always be trying" he walked away and I smiled that dorky smile.

At the end of the day jack walked to my car, "wanna give me a ride home" I looked at him weird, "where's your car" he smiled "the shop, my dad had to drive me today and I'm not in the mood to get a ride from Daniel" I giggled and nodded.

As I drive him home he kept his hand on my thigh, "you have a game tomorrow" I asked and he nodded, "yeah it's during the school day, it's the championship" I smiled and pulled into his driveway.

"Shoot a basket for me" he smiled and got out, "all of them are already for you" he kissed me, his hands staying on my cheeks, leading the kiss.

Daniel, Grayson, and Zach all walked to my car as we were leaving school to go watch jack play today, "did jack's car get fixed" I asked Daniel and he looked at me weird.

"It was broken?" I looked at him weird, "weren't you supposed to drive him home yesterday, his car was in the shop?" Daniel laughed, "no but he did have me drive him back up to the school to get his car and he wouldn't explain why"

After the game was over jack walked over to us, I stood up and kissed him, again his hand wrapped around my waist "great game boyfriend" he now had the dorky smile on his face, "thank you girlfriend"

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