Careful- zach

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"Careful with that one Zach, she'll break your heart"


"So Zach, you've been warned why do you want me so bad" she asked, after licking her lips "why should I listen to someone who isn't yours, is that you telling me to be careful" she laughed.

"I don't do what you want, I fuck and leave" I nodded "not even for me" she giggled and shook her head "never in a million years baby, it's just not happening"

"I'm not a relationship person and that's is how it's going to stay"


"Zach she told you she's not that type of her person, why can't you leave it at that" Jonah asked as he drove jack, Daniel, corbyn and I home "because it doesn't make sense, why won't she just try it"

Corbyn turned around from the front seat and looked at me" y/n is an insecure girl and she is scared of getting hurt like she knows will happen if she falls in love with you"

"She's been hurt in ways that isn't possible of fixing, even if you tried Zach, it just won't happen" Jonah nodded at corbyn "why is she insecure".

"Because she's been hurt, a lot and she has issues with relationship and she won't ever get into another when she knows how it's going to end for her.. heartbreak" I rolled my eyes

"I don't want to break her heart" they shrugged "she can't accept that, the last guys she had cheated on her, controlled her and was so bad to her and she can't open that wound again"

"But she doesn't get that I'm not that asshole and I'd never do it" they all nodded at me and jack patted my back, "and she never will understand that Zach, never because that one person she trusted with her whole life, what scared her, what made her happy, what made her cry, her dreams, her dislikes and likes"

"He took that and used it against her to where she know think she can never open up, that she can't even open to herself. She's scared"

"Woah, your back" she said giggling a little, I sat on the swing next to her and joined in on her giggles "what are you doing out here so late" she shook her head.

"Enjoying the air" I smiled at how beautiful she looked in the moonlight, it hitting her face perfect "what are you looking at" she asked while hiding that smile, "you"

"Well, Stop" I looked down and let out a breath, "what are you doing out here" she ask, grabbing my hand. "I saw you when I walked by my window and I was wondering what you were doing here"

She nodded "you were worried about me" she giggled out with a huge smile on her face "of course, always am and will be" her smile fell "you can't keep saying things that that Zach" I looked at her weird.

"Why?" She took her hand out of mind, "because I just built myself and my wall back up and you keep breaking both brick by brick and I don't have anymore to replace them"

"I don't want to hurt you, I never did y/n" I said and she shook her head "I don't care if you want to or not, this is how everything ends for me okay Zach, relationship of any kind aren't good for me"

I looked at her weird, "with my father or my mother, my ex boyfriends, nothing end how anyone wanted them too okay, this can't happen because it will end with you hurting me no matter what you think it will, no matter if you don't want to hurt me you will"

"Because that's what happens" I stood up and kissed her, her grabbing my cheeks and pulling me closer to her "I can treat you like the angel you are, just let me"

"So what did she say" Jonah asked, they guys were standing around my bed, Jonah was sitting by my feet "she told me to fuck off and that she doesn't want to see me again" I turned over, covering my face so they wouldn't see me cry.

"But she kissed back" jack said and I rolled my eyes "so, what does that matter with such a broken girl" Daniel pulled the blanket from my face.

"She hasn't been at school either" I turned so my bad was facing them more "so" I asked as I could tell they all rolled their eyes "so I hurt myself by telling you that, and I might be broken but you said you could fix me and I want that" I looked up at y/n.

She gave me a small smile "Are you sure" she nodded "you broke my wall down, and I don't have any extra bricks but I heard you do" I giggled and I nodded "of course"

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