Part 9

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hi there everyone

Before I start the story I just want to say some stuff.

I absolutely love your comments. The bad ones and good ones.

I just love reading them because I learn from my mistakes.

I am very sorry about my grammar. English is not my first language and I am using google translator sometimes.

I am trying my very best. Please don't go out on me.
They are just typos. I know how to write.





I still love all of you <3






"UNCLE EDDIE! UNCLE EDDIE!" I bang on my uncles' door. "All alright alright I'm coming I'm coming" I heard from the other side of the door. It was my uncle. "oh (Y/N) what brings you here?" he said. He looked awful as usual since his breakup. " you still look like shit" I said making my way inside. "nice to see you too" he said closing the door "so what do you want?" "(Y/N) I know this guy" Venom said, "you do?" "uh, what?" Eddie asked. "yeah we need to talk. You were right." "about what?" he asked his arms crossed. "literally everything about Life Fundation. They do have some out of earthly things. They are torturing people" "well thank you for noticing" he said smirk on his face. "(Y/N) he freed me from there" Venom said inside my head. "he did?" I said and Eddie looked at me again. "are you going crazy?" he asks spinning his finger beside his head. "When you were there. You freed one of them" his grin went down "no I didn't" he said turning around to get a beer "yeah you did" "NO I didn't!" "YES.YOU.DID!" "how do you know that!!" "It's FREAKING INSIDE ME!!" I yell at him and his eyes wide.

"are you sure you didn't just go crazy?" he said getting a drink. I get all red. How can he be so calm?! "can I bite his head off?" "maybe later" I take a deep sight "you definitely are going, crazy little girl." I look at him with a serious face and tell calmly "Venom you may introduce yourself" "with pleasure" and Venom took over my body and from his eyes, I could see Eddie look up dropping his beer. He panics and bumps in the fridge that was behind him. "the hell are you!!" "We are Venom. And you made me free from there......Thank you for that" "don't thank him. We are mad at him" Venom got back inside me. "you see now. He is not the only one. There are more here and one is inside Carlton" he was nodding his head as if he understood but he was just afraid. " you don't get it do you?" I ask my face becoming a poker face. " nono I do it's just. What does it have to do with me?" "wellll....They are kinda after us so we can't go back home" "SO YOU CAME HERE?!" "do not open that door" Venom said suddenly and "BANG BANG BANG" someone bang on the door " Eddie n-" I was cut off by door slamming open and there were some gangsters with guns "hello there sugarpie would you mind giving us the symbiote back?" a bald guy was walking closer to me with a gun in his hands. He touches my face. "we can do this easy way sweetheart" "DONT TOUCH HER!" Venom yell and took control. He slams them and they shot at him but it did nothing. When he beat them up there were more coming. "WAIT take him with us!" Venom turn around to see Eddie his hands high in the air and not understanding what was happening. "do we have to?" He asks me "yes he knows stuff and has a motorcycle" Venom took him under his arm and jump of the window right before more men come in the apartment. Venom let us down in a dark alley. He gave me back control.

"(Y/N) I am not sure about this" Eddie said as we jump on his motorcycle. "JUST DRIVE!" I yell and we start full speed leaving smoke behind us. When we turned on the right corner there were black cars going after us. I hold on to Eddie as he drives. I heard some weird noise in the air and lookup. They were drones. "uhh Venom?" I say still looking up "I got us" he said as he punched every one of them that came at us "sick" I saw Eddie look back "look where you drive!" I say and he turns back around. Venom protects us from any possible danger. Suddenly two black vans came from both of our sides. Venom pushed them away by turning the wheel from inside the car.

"uhh I am not so sure about this (Y/N)!" Eddie yells as we see there was a road going up. "keep driving" Venom said, "Keep driving!" I yell to Eddie but he was slowing down. Venom grabbed his hand and made us go faster. We are gonna fall. But Venom did not let us separate from the motorcycle. We did not fall off the motor but we did run in the ocean.

We swim to some building legs and catch a breath there. "you know after this is over. You owe me a good story to report" Eddie said "haha deal" "sorry about the alien thing. I wasn't supposed to touch anything there but I did" "I don't mind having him in me. He cured me of cancer. He is a good guy" I said defending Venom "yeah I can tell that he is fond of you" "how can you tell?"

"by the way, he protected you there. If I was in your place I would feel safe with him" "I do actually but I am always hungry because of him" "well it is a good thing that you like to eat" I slam him lightly on the arm "hey" we laugh a little. But that was cute what Venom did there.

"but he destroyed my motorcycle. I don't like him for that" "if I didn't you would die" Venom said his head forming in front of Eddie "wow easy there buddy" Eddie said his hands in defense. "I will bite your head off" "nono Venom he is our friend and a good guy. We only eat bad guys" I said lecturing Venom "so he listens to you?" Eddie asks "most of the time. He doesn't like me being mad at him so he does as I say. We did have a few fights" "so what does he eat?"

"anything that is fresh and alive. And chocolate and tater tots" I said putting my head on my knees. "should I worry about my safety?" Eddie asks with a chuckle "no he won't do anything to the people I care about" "So you do care about me~~" Eddie said leaning his head closer to me in a caring voice. He was pushed in the water tough. "HEY  what was that for" "to close" "he says to close" Eddie got back up next to me "parasite" "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT ME?!" venom forms beside me "pussy" He said to Eddie "okok no fighting we need to get out of here. They will find us soon if we stay in one place" "so where should we go?" Eddie ask

"to the Life Foundation" "you are kidding, right? That's like the worst place to go" "Well we can't run either" I get up and start to walk to get out from there "(Y/N) it dangerous there" "I know. Let's go" "(Y/N) we must not go there" "why not?"

"he wants you"

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