Part 33

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What am I supposed to do now? was I being too harsh?? but I really tough she approved. I don't understand her.

Should I go to Venom? no what would he think? I need time to think. But I'm so alone. It's so quiet on this hill.

My phone starts to vibrate. It's Eddie. He probably wonders where I am by now. I wonder if those two are ok. I have to apologize to mom. She just doesn't understand. I know I own to Venom that I'm alive but....haven't I repaid enough to him? he says he loves me, and I do also love him. But is that enough?

I guess he also didn't die because he stayed with me. But he can just change host cant he? what does he even see in me? He's an alien. I'm not even that attractive. Isn't he supposed to find other aliens attractive? I'm just a human, there is nothing special about me.

"Ahh fuck I'm gonna cry."

And the tears just slipped. My phone continued to vibrate but I just shut it down. I said too much to mom. They tried to give me everything. But I couldn't.

Should I call MJ or Peter?

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FUCKING DO!!!" I yell to myself.

My phone starts to vibrate and this time it's Peter. I look at his picture but again don't answer. I guess V and Eddie are looking for me. Then called MJ. I also didn't want to answer but I did.

"Y/N where the hell are you?? Your uncle and boyfriend are looking all over for you! your mother is also worried" she said. In the background, voices could also be heard.

"my m-mom?" I ask wiping tears from my face. "yeah, we are all worried, where are you?"

"u-uhh I just went for some fresh air. Needed the time to think" "were you crying?" she asks and I didn't say anything for a moment

"no" I say while holding the pain in my throat. "you are laying. Where are you?" "ummm at the top of the hill outside the town"

"the fireflies hills?" "yeah" "okay we are coming for you" "n-no no please, just Venom and Eddie"

"okay if you say so we will talk later. They already jumped out of the window" "okay by MJ. YOu are the best" "you too, we will talk" "ok by" and I hang up. There was a soft wind and it made my hair go in my face.

I calmed down. I don't know how long I have been here for them all to start a panic. I looked at the car in the city for some time before I heard a loud thud in the bushes behind me. There was a black figure on the floor crouching.

"Y/N??" it was V voice. And when I saw him looking at me in his full for tears went to my eyes again. I get up and start to cry again while moving toward him.

"V-venom" he moved fast to me and taking me in a big hug. He had to lean down as i was below his chest. I cried in his chest and when I calmed down he absorbers back into me. I was a lot warmer.

"I guess the talk didn't go well. Your mom wasn't very happy" "y-yeah thank you, uncle Eddie. I got it from here. Here are the keys to the bike"

"Will you be ok?" he asks with concern in his eyes " I will be now. Thank you" "No problem kiddo. See you later" and he went away.

Venom created his upper half and hugged me again. "it was awful we. She called us disgusting"

"you don't have to say anything. I know" he held me in his arms for the rest of the night. "so how did you and Eddie get along."

"his food was uneatable" I giggle at that "his apartment is still a shithole and he didn't let me go eat people" I laugh. I was already better.

"I will apologize to mom" "hmm ok if you want to" "and after that, we can go somewhere"

"really?? but nowhere warm. I hate summer" "if you say so V. I love you. Wouldnt give you up for a world" I say snuggling in his chest.

"same here doll"

short but I'm running out of ideas as you can see. But what would you like to read?

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