Part 37

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Me and V have been bickering for a few days now. It's not fun. He getting more and more nervous each day he hasn't eaten a human brain. It also making me nervous and pissed off. But he keeps listening to me so that's good. He won't eat brains without my permission. 

"!!The case of Cletus Kasady was solved by a previous big TV star Eddie Brock. Eddie Brock used his interview skills to catch the dangerous killer of the town. This is the end for Cletus Kasady, but is it a new beginning for Eddie Brock? We will keep you updated!!" the Tv announced. 

I lower my bowl of cereal when I heard my uncle's name. "Damn, how did uncle Eddie catch a whole ass criminal?" I said in aw and disbelief that someone I'm related to slowed a true crime. "It's not that impressive" V commented as he chewed on his toy tire beside me. "Like you could ever solve a crime" I take another spoon of my cereal "Of course I could. I'm smart" "Whatever you say V" he looks at me offended "Whenever you watch your little true crime movies, I always know from the start who is the killer. It's annoying because the actors in the movie are stupid, and don't see the obvious" "Nobody has an alien brain like you, also nobody eats the human's brains like you. You are only smart cus you eat brains." "am not" "are too" "no" "Yes" I give him a side-eye as he holds his tire. 

"You should be grateful, you are smart because of me" I put the bowl on the coffee table and lean back on the couch "I am grateful. Doesn't change the fact that you are an alien who has an alien brain" I look at him innocently "Why are you acting cute?". He put the tire down as he is questioning my sudden innocence "so you don't start whining about being hungry again" "If you continue to act all cute I'm going to be hungry for something else" he said licking his teeth. I giggle and push his head away. 

"We should visit uncle. To congratulate him you know. This could be a really big thing for him. Get him back on track." Venom retracts back into me "i don't like Eddie" "Why? he saved my and your ass a couple of times" "The only one who saved your ass was me" I giggle and switch the channel. 

The next day I drove on my bike to Eddie's apartment. I knock on his door and Eddie opens up. "Y/N! My favorite niece! what are you doing here?" "I'm your only niece," I said as I push my way into his apartment. "I just came here to congratulate you for catching the killer. Here is some chocolate" i said as I pull a box of sweets behind my back. "Don't worry, Venom didn't touch them" Eddie was taken off guard. 

"Oh wow, woow, you shouldn't have but thanks," he said as he smiled at me while taking the chocolate. He then gives me a glance. "Just because you are nice to me doesn't mean i will show you the case" I frown and pout "oh come on. Not even a little bit?" "No, then you will also be involved and it's a confidential matter," he said putting the box of sweets on his island and grabbing some beer from the fridge "You see why we don't like him?" "Please uncle Eddie. You know I'm into that kind of stuff". 

He walks over to his couch and sits on it putting his legs on the coffee table. He doesn't answer me as he sips his beer "asshole" V says "asshole" I repat after him out loud. I glance at Eddie's table and see his mail. One mail stood out because it had red ink. 

"Hey what's this?" "Don't touch my mail" he said but I didn't listen to him as I grab the card. It was a postcard. It was covered in red ink but some of it looked like blood spots. "Umm uncle, I think you should see this" I said as I see the letters that were going in circle "weird" Venom comments "I know right" I answer him. 

Eddie gets up and takes the card from me. He reads the card spinning it around. "It's from Cletus" "What!? are you kidding me?!!" I said my heart skipping a beat. It was creepy, but cool at the same time. "He wants to talk to me before he dies" Eddie says while rubbing his chin in disbelief. He looked surprised. I mean who wouldn't but still. "He sounds like a weirdo. Eddie and he would get along" "don't be rude" Eddie looks at me as I say that "Sorry, Venoms says stupid shit. What are you going to do?" 

"An interview with a killer before he dies? of course I'm going to go talk to him" "Can we come?" I ask "you know the answer to that kiddo" he says looking for his phone on the couch. "Pretty please?" "No" 

"If he doesn't let us go with him ill bite his head off and everyone in the room!" Venom threatens. I knew they were empty threats but Eddie didn't know that "Venom says he will bite everybody's head off if we can't come" "I know you keep him like a dog on a leash kiddo" he types on the phone. "You don't know that, I can't control him, he has a mind of his own. I'm just a host" I said hands up in the air. 

"I'll see what I can do. Having you on a safe distance in the back shouldn't be a problem" "Yayyy. You heard that V? We are going to meet a real-life killer. It's so bizarre".  

"let's see who this weirdo is" 

Me writing a chapter? 

No way 

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