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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Cyrus groggily rolled over, tired from last night. Although he doesn't recall ever being this tired, it was completely worth it. A hand escaped from under the covers, becoming cold as he grabbed his phone, turning off his annoying alarm. Buzz. The name of the contact caused a smile, immediately radiating joy as he read his phone screen.

Tj: I had fun last night..or this morning?

Cyrus smiled, as the events of last night flooding into his mind.

They had interlocked their hands, walking, as Cyrus insisted, the sidewalk instead of the road. As they neared their destination, Tj sighed. "I can't believe I got Cyrus 'I'm afraid to swing high' Goodman to sneak out on a school night." He wasn't looking, but he knew Cyrus was smiling, as he felt a nudge to his arm. Cyrus let out a purposefully loud groan, as they reached his backyard. Both boys eyes trailed down to their intertwined hands, neither wanting to be the one to let go. An extra wave of sadness hit Cyrus, as a thought finally crossed his mind. He hated that he was the one that separated their hands. "Tj?" He asked, trying to play with his hands, until the blonde grabbed hold of both of them. As if reading the shorter boys mind, he smiled. "You aren't actually wondering if I'm going to pretend we're just friends, right?" The brunette boy felt foolish, but that was exactly what he was wondering. After all Tj could think they were just messing around. "But-" Tj put a hand on one of the boys already tinted cheeks, making him discontinue whatever he was about to bring up. "Cyrus." His expression lightened, showing a wide grin. "I think it's pretty clear you aren't just a friend." He took the smallest step closer, closing the gap between them. "You don't think that do you?" Saying Cyrus was speechless would be an understatement, as he stared blankly at the boy in front of him. "That we're just friends?" He gulped, shaking his head 'no'. They stood there, nearly touching noses, and Cyrus wondered if Tj could hear his heart beat. Neither knew who started, but when it happened it didn't really matter. It was Tj who pulled away first, another visible smile forming. "See you tomorrow, Underdog."

Cyrus rubbed his eyes, trying to stay awake. The light from his phone screen blared into his eyes, and the time showed he would be late in meeting Buffy and Andi if he didn't get up right now.
Tj was waiting for his mom to drive him to school, which he was actually excited to go to for once. Not only did he send Liam the picture he had taken last night, but it worked, he backed off. Although, it wouldnt have been the best way for people to find out, after last night he was completely okay with everyone knowing. He stared at the door, impatiently leaning against the wall. "I thought there was no game today?" His mom chirped becoming visible as she walked into the room. "Huh? There's not." Before she could reply, his phone went off, drifting his attention.

Cyrus: I had fun too...last night AND this morning?

A smile was visible on his face, and his mom definitely picked up on it. "Oh, I see." Once Tj understood what she meant, he rolled his eyes. "Mom." She put her hands up defensively. "Okay, okay. Sorry." The boy nodded. "Who is it?" He groaned. "Mom." A noticeable annoyance appeared on his face, sliding his phone into his pocket. She smiled, approaching the door. "I just want to know her name." Tj frowned. "Actually." He stopped, catching himself. Think before you say something you s-"His name." You idiot. His mom didn't miss a beat, as she opened the door. "What is his name?" There was a pause. Did I really just do that? Tj decided he didn't want to make this into some sort of moment, he'd casually respond, and that would be that. Hopefully. "Cyrus." His mom smiled, picking up Tj's backpack that rested against the wall. "So is he your-" Tj quickly snatched it from her grasp, and began walking out of the door. "I'm going to be late."
"Now what the hell were you doing not only out at night, but at a basketball court?" Buffy pushed the second Cyrus had become within earshot. Andi was just as anxious, staring him down eagerly. Cyrus looked Buffy dead in the eyes and said, "Okay don't be mad" Pause. "But I was with Tj." Andi grabbed his arm, as they stopped walking. "Tj!?" Andi looked more taken back than Buffy, which surprised him. "Why were you sneaking out with...him?" Buffy asked. Cyrus didn't reply, and Andi was the one to catch on. Her mouth formed an 'o' shape, and then she smiled. "Buffy, I think someone's over Jonah." Buffy crincled her nose, as she sighed. "You like him don't you?" The boy had formed a smile. "You could say that." Before anyone had time to reply Andi grabbed Cyrus's chin. "Hold on a minute." He had no idea what she was doing, but let her continue turning his face left to right with his chin. "Your pupils look.." Buffy grabbed his shoulder, expecting his face. "Guys, what are you-" "You kissed." Andi cut him off with a smirk. "You got that from my pupils!?" He asked stunned. "Is he-" Buffy tapped Andi' s shoulder so she would shut up. "Right there."
As they drove up to the front of the school, a smirk formed on his mother's face. "Is he outside? Can you point him out for me?" Tj sighed in response, but with a smile. It only took him a few seconds to find the tired boy approaching the door with his friends. He silently pointed out of the window in the direction of the three. "Well isn't he cute-" "Bye!" Tj replied, nearly cutting her off as he practically jumped out of the car. He eyeballed his mother waiting for her to leave, when she did he approached the little group standing outside of the school. Without a single hesitation he threw an arm around Cyrus, and in the most nonchalant way possible asked "What I miss?" Cyrus immediately beamed, and looked to Tj's hand, but before he could grab it, Tj beat him to it. Almost forgetting Buffy and Andi were there, Tj replied to there stunned expressions with a simple "Hi." To which the girls looked at each other and then back to the pair in front of them. "Hi." Andi looked at Cyrus only to start laughing. Buffy however, said nothing. "Okay, I'm sorry, but why him?" Tj sighed, more at himself then at her. "I know I was kind of a jerk-" "kind of?" Tj frowned "Come on, I'm trying to apologize here." She folded her arms as a reply. "I'm listening." Cyrus squeezed Tj's hand, which caused him to glance over with a smile, before focusing back on Buffy. "I was more than 'kind of' a jerk, I was a complete jerk, and it was unfair of me." Buffy still didn't respond, but she did uncross her arms. "I should have just passed you the ball, if I'm being honest I was a little bit intimida-I'm sorry, okay?" Buffy smirked at the thought of Tj being threatened on her being better, and finally rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine you're forgiven." Andi smiled, and started walking toward the doors. "I guess we're walking now?" Cyrus laughed, as they followed Andi. The second Buffy opened the door, Cyrus held onto Tj's hand so tight that it was actually taking energy out of him. "Relax." The other boy whispered, as he turned to face down at him. "Smile." Cyrus groaned as a reply. "Smile in three seconds or I'll scream." The other boy's eyes widened, "What? No. Don't-" "Three." Cyrus shook his head frantically. "Tj-" "Two." Finally registering, Cyrus threw a hand over Tj's mouth with a smile. "Look, I'm smiling, see?" Cyrus, as Tj had hoped, was no longer worrying or fixated on other people, instead he was laughing, distracted as Tj smirked. "I wasn't really going to scream." In reply, he earned a light elbow to the waist. Neither one knew when, but Buffy and Andi had at some point left them alone to their PDA. They started walking to Cyrus's locker, the thought of other people hasn't crossed their minds, until a friend of Tj's had walked right up to Cyrus, eyeing him down. "So you're Cyrus." The boy stated, as Tj grinned. "Cyrus, this is Reed." The brunette smiled, and turned to Tj, who playfully scoffed. "What? I talk about you sometimes." Reed interjected with a laugh. "Sometimes?" He turned to Cyrus. "Dude, I think I know your schedule." Cyrus chuckled, moving his hand up to hold onto Tj's arm. "You didn't need to tell him that." Tj replied, momentarily going a shade of pink. "That's adorable." Cyrus reassured, only for Tj to reply with "You're adorable." Unlike Cyrus's friends, Reed was still there, stifling a laugh at Tj's rare soft side. "As much fun as this is, Cyrus has to get to History." Reed smirked, resulting in a giggle from Cyrus, and a not very light punch to the shoulder from Tj. Reed had waved to someone across the hall. "Well, it was nice meeting you." Cyrus replied with a 'you too' as Reed had greeted his friend, walking away. Proceeding to open his locker, Cyrus sighed. "He was right though, I have to go, and no, skipping class is not on my list." Tj became clingy, wrapping his arms around Cyrus's waist, who of course, once again beamed. Just as he shut his locker, the bell rang. "We don't have any classes together, this isn't fair." The taller boy murmured. Cyrus smiled softly, pecked Tj's lips, and then replied with "2 hours and 45 minutes until lunch." Without another word he walked away, leaving Tj with a surprised smile.

Tj watched Cyrus walk away, waiting until he couldn't see him anymore. Before he could start walking he was caught off guard. "The fuck was that?"

Enjoy me being active, even though I can't write, and this is bad lol

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