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Cyrus didn't pay attention the whole class, jotting down random things the teacher said when he decided to listen. I'm not known to be the friendliest. He kept thinking about that one sentence; he didn't like it. There was probably nothing to worry about, but he needed to ask him about it.

Tj was sitting smugly in his English class, writing quickly, his hand barely able to keep up with his mind.

He liked writing, he couldn't mess up writing, his brain didn't ruin writing.

The teacher complimented him on staying focused, but he could argue that he just had more inspiration lately.
When it was time for lunch he looked eagerly around for Tj, wanting to ask him about what he said so badly, it was like an itch.

It wasn't that he didn't trust him, but tje idea of old Tj coming back worried him.

They were finally both in a good place in Cyrus' opinion, and he was hoping for it to stay that way.

"Hi." Someone whispered slightly from behind his shoulder.

Cyrus jumped, but untensed when he recognised the voice. "Buffy, don't do that!"

Buffy smiled, walking to stand next to him. "Who are we looking for?"

Was this not a subtle crowd scan?

There was a pause, before Cyrus answered, continuing to scan the cafeteria. "Tj."

"Yeah?" Cyrus jumped again, turning around, but Buffy wasn't phased at all, but no one expected her to be. It was nearly impossible to scare her.

Tj smiled, sending a wave towards towards Buffy, who waved back, before giving Cyrus his full attention. "Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up."

"Can I talk to you?" Cyrus asked, deciding to skip the small talk completely.

Tj's smile slowly fell, seeing how anxious his face was. "Of course." He looked to Buffy, who crossed her arms, before understandingly walking away.

He put a hand on Cyrus' arm, wondering if he'd done something wrong. "What's up?"

Cyrus shrugged, hesitant, wondering if he was overreacting. "Would you hit someone?"

"What? No, of course not. Why would you ask that?" Tj paused, realizing how what he said earlier sounded.

He smiled, dropping his hand. "I meant I used to seem like the kind of person that would."

"Which I defintely am not." He added assuringly. "Especially since we've met."

Cyrus smiled fondly at that, trusting his answer. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been worried about it."

"In my defense, I don't think I was overreacting?"

The taller shook his head, understanding that his reaction was completely fair. "You weren't."

"Don't worry about it." Tj shrugged, smiling back at him. "Can we catch up with Buffy?"

"Gladly." Cyrus flashed a small smile, before purposefully letting the back of his hand glide against Tj's.

Tj formed a smile to match his, getting the hint, and intertwining their hands as they walked in Buffy's direction.

They caught up to Buffy just in time to reach the cafeteria doors. "We're back." Cyrus smiled, glancing up at Tj, who sent a smirk towards Buffy. "Did you miss us?"

"Well this is a cute new development."  A new voice said, sliding into the threes matched pace.

The new party grinned happily, before putting an arm around Buffy.

"Marty." Cyrus held out his free hand for a classic fist bump. "From the party, apparently." Tj finished for him, giving Marty a friendly nod.

"Unbelievable." Marty frowned, a hint of smile left on his face. "Finishing eachother's sentences?"

He smiled now, dramatically tossing a hand up. "They're already cuter than us."

"Who?" Andi asked, as the group approached the lunch table Andi was sat at.

"Marty is being competitive again." Buffy answered, before turning her head to face Marty. "But it's cute."

"Come on, now I'm 5th wheeling?" Andi asked in a whine, looking between the two pairs.

"You know there's an easy way to solve that." Marty replied, glancing towards the table across the room.

"Very funny." Andi stuck her tongue out, the idea only crossed her mind one hundred times today.

"Well." Tj said, joining the conversation, "She is single."

Andi's eyes darted in Cyrus' direction, who immediately put his hands up. "Don't look at me I didn't tell him."

"Then how does he know I'm-"

"Into my sister? Please, I'm bad at math not an idiot."

"You're not bad at math." Cyrus spoke up, folding his hand over Tj's with a smile, "You just need a little help."

Tj looked at him with a warm smile, leaning down to peck his cheek.

"They're winning!" Marty interjected with a fake annoyance, making the rest of the group smile. Marty waited a few seconds, before eventually joining in.

He's With Me-Tyrus [completed]Where stories live. Discover now