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The boy walked with his head low watching his breath, as the brisk wind made his body feel like ice, and his soft messy brown hair fly back. He wasn't paying attention to where he was walking, no specific destination. His milky brown eyes clouded, as fresh, cold, tears escaped falling down, staining his cheeks. He found himself heading towards the park. The park seemed empty, the boy sat on a swing, but kept his feet on the ground rocking back and forth slowly. Salty tears leaked from his eyes, as he tried to wipe them away. Burying his face in his hands, the boy sobbed. Quietly, but slowly progressing Louder, and Harder.

"What's wrong this time?" The boy turned his head, as another boy sat down on the swing beside him. "Are you crying?" The boy gave a faint smile. "Hi, Tj."

Tj let a sigh escape through his lips, before standing up, and walking over to the other boy. "Cyrus, what happened?"

When the taller boy didn't get a response, his lip curved into a grin. "Have it your way."

Cyrus could be in his darkest of moods, and all it took was some swing time with Tj to make his mood accelerate.

The sad brunette tried his best to keep his face masked with sadness, but the second he heard Tj shout, "Underdog!" He couldn't help but smile, and hold on.

Once Tj got Cyrus to laugh he allowed him to slow down, and took a seat back on the empty swing beside him.

"Now, what happened, Underdog?" Tj questioned, letting his eyes focus on the other boys soft brown ones.

"Remember when you said you needed a new brain? Because you thought something was wrong with yours?" Cyrus looked up from the ground, he didn't realize he was starring at, to see Tj nod, confused.

"Something's wrong with mine.." He drifted off, swiveling back, and forth. Tj tilted his head, filled with curiousness. "What's supposedly wrong with yours?"

Cyrus kept his eyes on his shoes, "I used to date this girl named iris, she was really nice." He paused, looking up at the taller boy, "Everyone thought we were great together, but my brain decided that there was one thing about her, this stupid thing."

He smiled, but a smile filled with sadness, he smiled until a hot tear slid down his tinted cheeks. Looking up at Tj, his breathing hitched, "She's a girl."

Cyrus squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see Tj's reaction. He imagined disgust, he imagined Tj scoffing and walking away, he thought of everything except acceptance.

Tj smiled, "Cyrus." No response. "Cyrus." Nothing. "Cy, open your damn eyes." The smaller boy held onto the silver chains of his swing, grasping tighter, and tighter, until prints embedded into his skin.

The blonde boy put a hand over the younger's shaking one, "Calm down, it's okay."

As his hands began to still, he hesitantly opened his watery eyes to find a smiling Tj. A soft, sincere smile.

"I have good news." Tj held the other boys hand in his, "There's nothing wrong with your brain either."

Cyrus had a faint smile on his face, wiping his damp cheeks with the sleeve of his free hand.

Tj still held the others hand, there was a small silence, until Cyrus spoke up that he had to go home for dinner.

As Cyrus began walking away he paused and turned around, "Oh, and thanks."

After they awkwardly parted, Tj stayed on his swing as footsteps, and a slow clap approached.

He's With Me-Tyrus [completed]Where stories live. Discover now