Chapter 8 (One chance to be happy)

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"Sora, what happens? The client said you're so different today. Are you sick?" Asked her assistant in the car.

"I did what you said," Sora said, her face looks so sad.

"About what?"

"About 'focus on my career' thing"

"But you're not focused, you almost ruined it. Luckily, we still got your best shot"

"So what you do want me to do? I did what you want" Sora said in an upset tone.

"is that something that you want?" asked the assistant and Sora seems shocked. it that something that I want?  Suddenly her eyes got teary. "Do you still have a feeling for him?"

"I don't know what I want, I don't know what I feel, I just scared our relationship not working, he very busy this year, and I'm... " Said Sora while crying

"But you still loved him, right?" cut the assistant while rubbing sora's hand. "I'm sorry about my word last time, I don't know you still have a feeling for him"

"Do you think I still have a feeling for him?" asked Sora.

"Do you?" and the assistant back and it shut her up. Am I?

"But love doesn't enough, right? We need time to spend with someone that we love but we're very busy, he also overprotective to me when we were dating, and he's a jealous type. So, we can't make it work, right? My decision was right, right Oennie?" Asked Sora while looking for justification from her assistant's eyes. "am I right?" she asked her one more time in a desperate tone.

"if you think your decision was right, stop crying and let him go. Then focus on your career, can you do that?"

"I will, I'm sorry for today," said Sora while rubbing her tears.

Dddrtt. Sora's phone vibrates, there's a text come in.

"Can we talk?" - Siwon

***Another day, in one of café at Seoul*

"Oppa, how are you?" greeted Sora when she arrived, Siwon is already arrived and book a private room to make their meeting more private.

"I'm good, how was yours?" Said Siwon

"I'm pretty good" answered Sora and they order a drink before starting the conversation, when the drink comes, Siwon start to open his mouth again.

"I think you know the reason why I ask you here," said Siwon and Sora just sigh, "did he tells you?"

"No, but we know there's something happen on him. What's wrong?" ask Siwon carefully, Sora just takes a long deep breath and start telling Siwon everything, including her insecurity feeling toward their relationship. Siwon just listening all of Sora's story and try to understand.

"Thank you for being honest with me, I know it is very hard for both of you but I just hoping the best for you guys," Said Siwon and Sora just smile "Thank you, Oppa"

"Here" Siwon give small notes and USB to her "this is his new address and video you should watch, I think you will need this"

"What video?" Asked Sora confusedly

"The upcoming episode of Super TV"

"Why you give it to me?" Sora still confused.

"You have to know that it is not only about you. He has a hard time too, meeting you again is like life-changing for him, he's very happy in the past of a few weeks. I appreciate your decision, but I hope you two still be friends"

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