Chapter 25 (A day with you)

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It's been a few days since Teuk works in Thailand.

There are several things to do in Thailand right now. Besides Teuk has to film "Beauty no 9", he also filming for SJ Return, and photo-shoot for Grazia magazine.

Today, he only has one schedule. It is a photo-shoot at the resort. He has to do an interview, photos, and videos, after that he can stay at the resort for the rest.

"What I have to do after this?" asked Teuk when he finished the photo-shoot and after the staff leave.

"You're done for today, you can spend your day here" answer the manager.

"Ah, finally. This is a nice resort, I hope I can spend the day here with someone special, not you" said Teuk while laying on the bed.

"Me too, I want to spend my day outside, can I go? Or do you wanna come with me?"

"Nah, I'm good. I just wanna have a rest, you can go. Have a good time out there"

"Ok." The manager starts to walk but Teuk suddenly calls him, "Wait, did Sora called when I work?" the manager shakes his head, "No" heard that Teuk only sigh, "where is she? She doesn't reply to my text either"

"Do you really want here alone? Asked the manager again

"Yes, just go by yourself"

"Actually, I've been hiring someone to accompany you here"

"DO YOU HIRE PROSTITUTE FOR ME????" Yelled Teuk to his manager, the manager just freezes because of unexpected answers from Teuk. "Do you think I'm gonna do that? I know you will never open your wallet for something like that, it's not because you can't afford it but you just frugal"

"Besides that, Sora will kill me"

"Of course I'm gonna kill you," Said someone behind the door of Teuk's room, she comes to the room with travel bag on her hand.

"SORAAA!!!" Shouted Teuk when he sees Sora in front of him, "You're here, Oh my god" said him again with a surprising face.

"You really surprise, aren't you?" Asked Sora, Teuk nods immediately, "I'm glad you come before the prostitute come, can you cancel that?" Acted Teuk to his manager and Sora just hit Teuk with her bag, "I'm kidding, honey. of course, I'm very surprised you were here" Said Teuk while hugs Sora.

"Eheemmm." The manager clearing his throat, "Do you still need my help?" asked him then. "No, you can leave as far as you can, please, I'm begging you, get out of here, now," Said Teuk and Sora laugh "I'll take care of him from now, thank you for your help, Oppa," Said Sora politely to Teuk's manager. The manager just nods, "have fun guys dan be careful don't get caught by fans or reporter" said him before leaving, "Ne, have fun for you too" said both of them.

"So, where are we going?" asked Sora while caressing Teuk's hair.

"What do you want to do in Thailand?" asked Teuk back.

"Eat delicious food and shopping. Can we?"

Teuk nods, "Anything for you," Said Teuk while pinching Sora's cheek, "Before we go, I want to take a bath first. Do you want to join me? I think you should wash too" Said Teuk while teasing Sora, Sora just blushing "No, I'm good, you go first," said Sora "Are you sure? it can shorten our time if we do it together" Said Teuk again teasing Sora, "Stop it, you're so dirty!" Said Sora and Teuk just laugh, "Alright, I'll be right back, but I'm not gonna lock the door, so, if you..."

"Just go!" Said Sora while throw pillow to Teuk and Teuk laugh and go to the bathroom.

"Omo, he's so naughty these days," Said Sora alone with her red face, and then she thought about something.........

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