Chapter 17 (Birthday Dinner)

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Its dinner time, Teuk and his family arrived in the restaurant first. They booked a private room in the restaurant for making their dinner private. They pick a famous restaurant from the famous celebrity chef, Sam Kim, its Teuk's mom's favorite restaurant.

"Where she is?" Teuk's mom asked.

"She will be here in a minute" answered Teuk while looking to the menu.

As he said, Sora comes in a minute after. She's wearing the dress that Teuk gave to her yesterday, she let her hair tied up and showing her neck beautifully.

"Anyeonghaseyo, Omonim, Oennie." Greet Sora politely when she comes to the room.

"Sora-shi, happy birthday," said In-Young noona when seeing her sister in law to be and she's hug Sora right away after that Teuk's mom does the same, while hug Sora she said "Happy birthday, you're so pretty tonight" praised mom.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for being late, I have scheduled before"

"It's ok, we just arrived. Have a seat, dear. Choose whatever you want on the menu" Teuk's mom said, Sora little bit surprise cause Teuk's mom treats her really nice.

Sora sits beside Teuk who still busy looking at her since she entered the room "You're so pretty" Said him and make Sora blushing.

"Thank you for inviting me omonim, it such a nice place. It is my first time to be here, Oppa said you really like this place"

"Yes, I often come here with my friend and I like the food here. So, you have to try it. Sam Kim will cook by himself. Here, take the menu and choose" Teuk's mom gives her menu.

"it is very confusing, everything looks good," said Sora when looking to the menu. "Alright, I will choose for you" and then Teuk's mom calling the waiters and order her favorite dish.

"I heard your upcoming movie will be released this month" In young said to Sora. "Ne, Oennie. Next week."

"Ah, really? I'm gonna watch it with my friends"

"Thank you, oennie"

"YA!! Stop staring at her!" Teuk's sister yelled at Teuk, she found her brother looking at Sora with full of love gaze. "She's pretty, isn't she?" Asked Teuk to his sister "I know, stop staring at her like crazy"

"You're very pretty, that's why my son really loves you. He's so lucky" Teuk mom said after ordering food.

"Kamsahamnida, Omonim," Said Sora while blushing. Her face is really red right now because of a compliment from Teuk's family.

While waiting for the food they talking much about Sora's upcoming project, Teuk's project, Omonim's health, Teuk's health, Sister activity, and sometimes Teuk making a joke that makes the situation getting relax because of Sora really nervous. After 15 minutes of talking about anything, the food is coming. They look very delicious, it's western food.

"Woah, it looks delicious," Sora said and then her mom let her eat, she gives Sora so many foods to try with her spoon to Sora's plate. Teuk and his noona exchanging gaze after see their mother like that, it really surprising for them looking their mother being so nice with Sora. Sora also does the same, she ask Teuk's mom to eat and Sora also pouring a drink to Teuk's mom glass. They look so friendly together.

Then, the owner of the restaurant comes to their room, asking about the food.

"Omonim, how about the food?" asked Sam Kim to Teuk's mom when he entered the room.

"It very delicious as usual"

"I'm glad to hear that, I heard there something special today so you asking for private room," asked Sam Kim to Teuk, when Teuk want to answer, Teuk's mom said "Yes, it's my daughter in law's birthday," said Teuk's mom and it makes In Young noona, Leeteuk, and also Sora shocked.

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