I write in the dark
Facing this broken heart
By the light of my phone
The reality of not having a home
Always so lost
Just casually tossed
Locked in a world of pain and despair
Knowing no one will truly care
Lay out my heart and give my all
While everyone sits to watch me fall
Like a domino effect
And I still can't connect
All the dots tonight
To find the answer
To end this fight
It's always there
I just cannot bear
This feeling I carry
The hate that I bury
Deep within my soul
Fighting it down
So nobody knows
How much I wish for a simple end
In a world where I have to pretend
That it's all okay
It's all just fine
Begging for some kind of sign
That something will get better
Maybe just not be so bad
My entire soul
Irreparably sad
No matter what I do
The harshness cuts straight through
Everything about me
Is tragically flawed
All that's around me
Always feels wrong
Why can't there be a simple end
The pain inside is a destructive trend
Always a bother to those around
I need to go silent
Don't make a sound
It's not fair for others
Having to deal with this shit
Never quite knowing
When the panic will hit
Sometimes, I'm not sure why
I sit and just start to cry
Who am I kidding
I'm living a lie
Telling myself I will somehow get by
There's been so much damage
That cannot be reversed
Let's face the facts
I am forever cursed
I was meant to hurt and feel the pain
Never knowing what it means to gain
I'm constantly losing
Trying to hide the bruising
From the inside out
It's an endless bout
Maybe I should just shut down
Keep myself hidden
Have no one around
Then I can't hurt or destroy anyone else
Just live with this pain
All by myself