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I'm honestly not sure what to do

I don't even have anything to offer you

I'm so completely lost in this place

Very aware I'm just occupying space

You have so many things on your mind

It's not fair for you to deal with my kind

I'm not absolutely sure what we even are

I'm just some chick who has a car

There's really not much more to me

Maybe I should just let you be

But not really certain that I should

I want to ask you questions

I wish that I could

But I have this feeling

It'll just make things worse

And there again, appears my curse

Of being so confused and utterly clueless

As always, proving that I'm worthless

I'm not sure that I'll ever know

What I am here for

Where am I supposed to go

I have no idea

Where I fit in

Do I even belong

Where do I begin

 Why do I have so many questions

That I'm too afraid to say

Holding onto the hope

That they will all be answered some day

I'm just not sure what to do

How could I possibly be good for you

Highly aware I'm mostly in the way

I just want to know

Why exactly you want me to stay

 I know that I'm not needed in any drastic way

I've never been the key to survival any other day

I don't understand why you searched and found me

Especially knowing these emotions that surround me

I seem to be just a constant pain 

On the verge of driving you insane 

I'm totally lost In a world I cannot define

Can't see why anyone would waste their time

On such a backwards kind of girl

With fucked up feelings about everything in the world 

I've always just wanted to be something good

And sometimes, I think maybe I could

But I'm not even sure where to fucking start 

Have I even slightly touched your heart 

Is it easier when I'm just silent and stay

Am I supposed to be responding another way 

I am just so fucking lost 

Don't even know the ending cost

 Unsure of the amount of time or pain

 I wonder if this will all be in vain

 Why has it become so difficult 

Just to say how I feel

 Why does it have to be such a big fucking deal

Fuck, Did you know all of this from the very start

 I should never involve my heart 

That's when it all seems to go wrong

 No one wants a tag along

Not worth trying to make sense of it all

So now I go back to the start

Rerunning everything back through my mind

Trying so hard to see 

Struggling not to go all the way blind

Completely unsure of what I should do

I'm just not sure how I could make it better for you

Twisted SidewaysWhere stories live. Discover now