Chapter 29: Switcheroo

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Max's Pov

"I can't believe you would do something like that! Am I not good enough?!" asked the dramatic Snowflake.

"It was one time! Please calm down!" replied Snowball.

"Don't tell calm down!"

If you guys are wondering, it's the next day after the events of yesterday, and Snowball is trying to resolve his relationship with Snowflake. Apparently, Snowball went to the movies with Kat to see Avengers instead of Snowflake, and well, they were not on the best terms with each other. And as you can see, no progress...

"Look I'm sorry okay? But every time I've asked you if you wanted to see it, you shot it down with "I'm busy" or "Can it wait til tomorrow" or "Let's wait for some reviews", like who does that?!" said Snowball.

"Well if people are going to call it the best movie of the year, then I want to make sure!" said Snowflake.

As I'm sitting by the side watching these two argue, I notice Duke walking up next to me.

"What in dog's name is going on?" he said, yawing. "I can't sleep."

"Well one, it's 11:41 in the morning, so you should already be up, and two, these guys are arguing because this guy over here..." I point at Snowball. "...went to see Avengers with someone else instead of his own precious girlfriend."

"Okay, but why here?"

"I don't know. Apparently our apartment is the best place to resolve things."

"Well can you make them leave? It's starting to get annoying," he says, as the arguing is presented in the background.

I scoffed. "It's way past that," I say as I start watching the bickering once again.

" don't come at me with all that!" said Snowball.

"Keep up that attitude and you won't be getting all this..." Snowflake gestures to her body. "...tonight, or any other night!"

"Oh please, you're the one who always asks for..."

Duke and I see the window open and see my lovely little-

"Where have you been?!" asked Gidget.

"Um...come again?" I asked, confused.

"You left me alone at the park!"

"Was I supposed to be somewhere?"

"Did you forget date night?!"

I thought about it for a moment, until...

Oh shoot, I thought.

"I forgot!" I yelled.

"No duh!"

"Well I'm sorry, but why are you yelling? This is the one time I forgot!"

"Well what could be the reason?"

"Look something came up. Snowball and I-."

"For a whole week?!" she asked.

"...Wait what?"

"It's been a week! And you didn't say anything!"


"I swear to God, if you're cheating on me, again..."

I start to get irritated. "Okay, you need to chill out, okay? I was busy with Snowball."

"What's your point?" she raised an eyebrow.

"My point?! My point is...!"

As we start arguing, Snowball and Snowflake are still at each other's necks.

The Secret Life of Pets: Max x GidgetWhere stories live. Discover now