Chapter 16 Dont do it...

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With Stan

             " Hey Aurora are you ok? I asked. Waking up from my slumber.

" Yea Im fine Stan." She said hugging me. She was all warmed up but somthing wasnt right about her. Her puffy morning hair was straight and sad looking. I looked at her.

               " Hey... did you have a bad dream.... You can talk to me about it if you want." I said. I heard a sniffle and realized she was crying.

              " Stan I had a dream where you and kyle died!" She yelled in ny face. She fell into my arms. Then kyle walked in.

With Kyle

        " Whats wrong with Aurora?" I asked going over to sit by her. She hugged me and..... Stan? Whats goin on between them?

                " Stan can I talk to you in the back yard for a moment?" I said gritting my teeth. " Ok." He said coming over.

         We left the room and when Aurora wasn't in site I grabbed Stan by tge arm and pulled him into the hall closet.

With Stan

           It was dark in the closet. What did Kyle want...? Am I in trouble...?

Kyle grabbed my shoulders and started whisper yelling.

             " AURORA IS MINE YOU CREEP! WHY DID YOU CUDDLE HER LAST NIGHT!? WHY DID YOU HOLD HER?! IS SHE YOUR OWN PERSONAL BABY DOLL!?!?!?" He started shaking me back and forth. " Kyle stop it she was cold last night and i had no other choise! She had a bad dream and I held her because I wanted to make her feel safe!" I shouted back.

With Aurora

           They are fighting because of me... I am the cause... I have no right to be here if I am only gonna cause problems.

            I looked around and saw a nearby gun... I knew what I had to do...

With Stan

           I was yelling at kyle and he was yelling at me. Then we heard a gun cock. We ran out of there and into Craigs room.

              " A...Aurora dont do this... why are you gonna kill yourself?" Craig asked, crying. Tweek at his side. She had a gun to her head and was shaking. " Whats the point of living when I always cause fights? I never do anything right and I sould have killed myself a long time ago... I am sorry Kyle and Stan. I will leave." She said putting her hand on the trigger. I ran over to her and looked into her eyes. " Don't do it....." I said trying to make her calm down. She almost put the gun down but kept it there. She shook her head. " Dont do it..." I repeated. She shook her head.




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