Chapter 19// love at first sight.

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Livs POV

me and Erin headed out the hotel to get to our car to drive to the airport to pick up Charl and one of Erin's Friends

we arrived at the airport with 5 minutes to spare before the plane landed, we sat down on the chairs and went on our phones and went on twitter and we both gained 700,000 new followers

it was all because the fans noticed us hanging with the boys.

i seen charl and erin's friend Laura who i didn't know but met before, they walked up to us

"HEY GUYS" charl smiled and gave us both a big hug

"HEY" me and Erin said to Laura as she smiled and gave us a quick hug

we picked up their suitcases and headed back to the car

we drove back to hotel, it was a 10 minute drive back

"OMG this place is beautiful" charl yelled

"yeah we know so keep your voice down" i whispered while everyone was glaring at us

we got into our room and theirs was right next to ours, they went to put their stuff in there and came back to our room. "So where is everyone" Laura asked

"oh they're all probably doing random stuff like making YouTube videos or vines" i responded

"can we go meet them like" charl smirked

"yeah, lets go, they're only down the hall way" Erin said while leading them out and taking them to meet the boys and mahogany.

erins POV

I knocked on the boys door which was the main one where everyone went...Shawn answered

"hey babe" Shawn smiled which made me blush in front of everyone

"hey, can um my friend and my cousin meet y'all, they have just came from UK to be with us for the rest of the month" i smiled

"yeah, sure come on in" Shawn leading us into the boys room

"Hey guys, we have some people we want you to meet.. This is charl, my cousin and Livs sister and this is my Friend Laura." i introduced them, and they just smiled and waved

i noticed Nash staring at Charl like crazy and also noticed Cam looking over at Laura not even taking any notice that he was losing a game with Taylor on the xbox

"yo dude..quit looking at that chic and get back to the game man" taylor paused the game

Cameron didn't even care if he was losing or not, he stood up and walked over to Laura "hey I'm Cameron"

"hi, I'm Laura, its so nice to meet you at last"

it got quiet, in the room while they both just looked at eachother

"Okay..erm... Well where gonna go, leave you boys to play" breaking the silence I tried.

"Where not little boys you know" jack G said

"Yea, sure you all aren't" I laughed

We left the room and headed down to the café to have a drink.

Cameron's POV

"Woah, guys did you see laura?, she was beautiful" I told the boys and they all just smirked

I know I wanted Erin at the start, but there's no point if she doesn't like me, she's into Shawn. Oh well, I need to see laura again.

"Well man, why don't you try speaking to her?" Aaron asked me.

"But what if she doesn't like me?" I responded

"Dude? Did you see the way she looked at you, both if your eyes locked, am telling you man, she wants you" taylor interrupted me and Aaron.

"Bro just give it a shot, you never know and worse that could happen?" Matt said

"Your right guys, am going to do whatever it takes, to make Laura my girl.

"OOOO KILL'EM" carter yelled and we all laughed and went back to playing on the Xbox

Laura's POV

"So laura, you and Cameron huh?" Liv smirked

"Oh shut up, I don't think he likes me, I think I creeped him out while I was staring at him" I told the girls

"Are you kidding me?...girl he's in to you, we all seen the way you both looked at each other, damm girl I think you should talk to him" charl interrupted

"You think so?" I smiled

"YES!" They all yelled at me and laughed

"Okay, okay... Calm down" I laughed with them.

Hey guys 🌸🌸😋 who ships #livatt?

Or #shawrin idk I can't make good ship names up😂 #lameron? 😂✋

Should the next chapter be on Cameron and Laura? Like he takes her on a date and stuff? Idk🌚

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