Chapter 16// your the one i want to be with.

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Livs POV

I woke up again confused I looked around to see everyone's heads in the hands gathered around my bed

"Guys?" I asked

Everyone looked up and their eyes widened


"Well I am now erin don't worry" I laughed


I looked around to see the face I only wanted to see and there it was right at the side of my bed smiling at me but still had puffy eyes.

Everyone was whispering "do you think she remembers everyone" couple of them where saying.

"MATT" I shouted

His smile got bigger and his eyes widened

He got up so fast to give me a hug

Everyone left except matt...

"I thought your memory would never come back" matt cried

"well am so happy it did, I couldn't bare not remembering you" I smiled and hugged him again

Jacob walked in with his eyes all puffy and red

"Liv?" He asked

"What do you want Jacob, your the reason am in here" I angrily said back

"I know that's why I have come to say sorry, and maybe we can start off fresh?" He asked

"Sorry Jacob, I mean you where so sweet at the start but now.. I don't know, I just think we need to just stick to being friends"

" FINE, be a bitch" he shouted and stormed off

"Are you okay" matt asked

"You know what am actually fine, it's doesn't hurt me what he says, it does t break my heart or hurt me, because I have you and I only want you" I smiled and leaned in, so did he

Our lips reconnected, I missed this, his warm lips on mine.

The doctor walked in with some paper

"Good news, you allowed home today" he said

Me and matt smiled at eachother

"I just need Mr espinosa to sign these papers and your free to go"

Matt signed the papers and he brought some clothes over so I could get change

I got dressed and we left, everyone was in the car waiting for us, we hopped in and we drove back to the hotel

Sorry for such a short chapter, will update am just so tired right now it's 3:40am and I've had no sleep😂

So I'll update when I wake up🌸

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