random thoughts

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1. Carving the turkey on Thanksgiving is the equivalent of cutting the cake on your birthday

2. Teachers say 1 bad apple spoils the whole bunch but if you take the bad apple out it won't

3. A circle is proof that what goes around comes around

4. Why do people feel so secure under blankets

5. Why is it easier to keep on a hoodie when you're hot than it is a regular sweater

6. why do we always want to be invited to something but never want to go

7. Spring break is just a week to give us out of school because the faculty needs a break from us

8. When teachers want us to talk we don't but when they want us not to we do

9. If I studied math like I read wattpad I would be a math genius

10. If I was as interested in studying as I am in sarcasm I would probably have straight A's 

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