What you say vs what you want to say to teachers pt 2

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1. The bell doesn't dismiss you
What you say: ok (sits back down)
What you want to say: mann the bell don't dismiss me it don't tell me when to come to class so don't be mad when I late

2. Why are talking during my lesson
What you say: I'll be quiet sorry
What you want to say: no why are you teaching during my conversation

3. Why are you late
What you say: sorry it'll never happen again
What you want to say: if the bell don't dismiss it don't tell me to come to class

4. Why do I hear talking
What you say: I was explaining a problem
What you want to say: because you have ears

5. Find a seat
What you say: ok
What you want to say: found one what should I do with it

6. No eating in my class
What you say: ok
What you want to say: but you eat in your class

7. Stay off of your phone during class
What you say: I wasn't on it
What you want to say: well you stay off yours during class

8. Please cooperate
What you say: I trying
What you want to say: bitch you making it harder for me to cooperate

9. Don't laugh at him
What you say: sorry that was wrong of me
What you want to say: it's my mouth I laugh when I want

10. Be positive
What you say: ok
What you want to say: I was by not bringing you up

11.Behave while the sub is here tomorrow
What you say: ok we will
What you want to say: Mann this is a free day and you expect me to behave

12.no listening to music during class
What you say: okay
What you want to say:i wouldn't have to if it wasn't for your terrible voice

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