2 Player Game

21 0 0

Isolation, is my only solution.. To this anxiety hovering over me. Sleep deprived, I have no drive to continue on with my pointless life. 

If all I ever do is cause people pain,  waste peoples time.. I will continue to say that I am okay, I'm okay on my own.

But what's the point in playing this 2 player game? On my own..  Where did the other player go? 

Did I scare them away?  I can't stand people seeing me be in any sort of pain. So i play this pretend everything is okay game.

I will lend a hand,  I will keep doing things to be  useful.  Helpful.. Make my life seem somewhat meaningful. But deep down I feel empty and a nobody.  Deep down.. I know nobody wants me.. They just want the fake version of myself..

MindFulMess .5 (Growing up Series)Where stories live. Discover now